Saturday, October 17, 2020

what i've been watching, reading, and listening to (fall edition)

There are many things to love about fall. That includes staying indoors, curling up with a fuzzy blanket, and enjoying lots of entertainment. Whether it is a television show, movie, book, or all adds up to make a perfectly memorable season. In between writing and working, I have been doing my best to make time for entertainment this fall. It is the best possible way to relax and unwind. So on that note! Today's post will be dedicated to a few of the things I've been watching, reading, and listening to lately. There are some older items on this list along with some recent obsessions and even a few new releases. So without further ado, here are some of my recent entertainment picks.

What I've Been Watching (Fall 2020)

Scream Movies. It's hard to believe, but Halloween is not so far away. In fact, it is only a couple of weeks away! Though the celebrations will be a bit different this year for annual tradition will continue. Normally, I spend Halloween watching lots and lots of seasonal movies. This year? I've started early. The Scream movies have often been some of my favourites, because they blend satire, comedy, and horror together. Plus, they have the added element of the classic whodunit. Though I love all of the movies and have seen them several times, Scream 3 is my personal favourite. It has a fantastic supporting cast, ties the trilogy together nicely, and leans a little more heavily into the comedic-horror genre. All in all, it just wouldn't be October without the Scream movies. They are a must!

Desperate Housewives. Something else I have been watching lately? Desperate Housewives. I remember it being on several years back, but for whatever reason, I never managed to watch it. Then I saw it as a suggestion on Amazon Prime. I thought I would give it a try and see how I liked it. Well, that turned into a full-blow obsession. I binge-watched all eight seasons quite quickly. There was so much to love! The unique cast of characters, the mystery-focused story lines, and the fact that the show never slowed down. There was always some new twist or turn to keep things exciting. Needless to say, I fell head over heels in love with the show. So much so, that after I finished season eight, I started season one all over again. Yes, I am currently re-watching the show! It is without a doubt one of the best series I have ever seen.

What I've Been Reading (Fall 2020)

Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer. Reading remains one of my favourite pastimes. Though there are a lot of books that I am currently working through (or plan to read in the not-so-distant future), there are a couple that stand out. I recently finished Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer. In case you didn't know, this is part of the Twilight series. It is essentially the first book in the series but written from Edward's perspective. Now let me say this clearly: I am and have always been Team Jacob. However, I found this book captivating. It was so interesting to find out more about the story that I have come to know and love. I thought the book was really well done. Also, it was wonderful to have a bit of Twilight back in my life.

Chocolate Cream Pie Murder by Joanne Fluke. It is no secret that I am a fan of Joanne Fluke. (I've listed her books on my list of favourites many times over.) I love the whole cozy mystery genre! Her books always come with lots of recipes as well as a compelling murder mystery story. This particular book, Chocolate Cream Pie Murder, was extra exciting because it finally dug into all of the fallout from the last book. I don't want to post any spoilers, but trust me, this release was long-awaited! I absolutely loved finding out more, and of course, I loved spending time with the Lake Eden characters I have come to know and love. This was really wonderful to read and a fabulous addition to my bookshelf.

What I've Been Listening To (Fall 2020)

Folklore by Taylor Swift. When it comes to new music releases, there hasn't been as much going on as usual. Of course, this is understandable. A lot of things were delayed or pushed back. That made the new releases that did happen, extra exciting. Which is why when Taylor Swift dropped folklore. unexpectedly, everyone went wild. It ended up hitting the top of the album charts - and stayed there for weeks and weeks and weeks. For good reason! The album is fantastic. I absolutely adore it. For me, this is the perfect music to listen to while I write or am tackling a creative project. Favourite songs include Betty, Mad Woman, and The Last Great American Dynasty. There really isn't a weak song on the album.

Smile by Katy Perry. Something else that I have been loving and listening to? Katy Perry's latest album, Smile. This is one that I have been waiting for forever. I am a massive Katy Perry fan and have been anxiously awaiting her latest album. Finally, it arrived! And I have been listening to it ever since. Something I really love about this album is the fact that the overall concept is about finding reasons to be positive, even when you want to give up. Even when life is hard. Given everything happening in the world these days, this message is especially important. The album is inspiring, fun to listen to, and all around amazing. My favourite songs are Tucked, Resilient, and Daisies. This album is a 10/10 in my opinion!

There are so many things making me smile lately. Certain movies, television shows, books, and albums have a way of making the season feel extra special. Thank goodness for that.

What have you been watching, reading, and listening to lately?


  1. Great selection! I loved desperate housewives!
    have a great weekend,

    1. It is so good! I can't believe I went so long without seeing it!

  2. Desparete housewives😊 when I was in high school watched this drama ... Thanks for your sharing 😊

    1. It seems that everyone watched it back then. I totally missed the boat! So glad I was able to watch it more recently!

  3. I was hoping to make more time to watch some things on Netflix recently but haven't been able to yet. I've been doing really good with reading though! :) It's good you have been able to have a balance of reading and watching and listening :)

    Hope you are having a nice weekend! :)

    Away From Blue

    1. I know what you mean! It can be really difficult to find the time to sit down and watch things. Thank you so much. It has been a relaxing weekend for a change, so I have enjoying that. I hope your weekend has been wonderful as well :)

  4. I love Desperate Housewives! And The Chocolate Cream Pie murder, will have to get a copy!


    1. It is so good! Honestly, any of the books from Joanne Fluke are worth reading!

  5. Folkore is seriously such an awesome album! My fave is Exile and pretty much listen to it over and over:) And yay for Scream 3. That's my fave out of all the 4 movies too. And still reading Midnight Sun. I actually bought the signed copy....LOLZ...

    1. Right?? It is such a good album. Honestly, I am so jealous that you were able to snag a signed copy of Midnight Sun. That is so cool!

  6. I was watching Desperate Housewives many years ago, nice show!

  7. Oh yes this is a really great advent calendar =) Thanks a lot.

    Great post about your fall stuff =) I love "Desperate Housewives", it's one of my favourite series of all time and I watched it a hundred times :D Every time it's so funny again

    1. I can't blame you! Even watching it through the second time....I am obsessed. It is so good!

  8. Such a great selection!!! I need to start watching horror movies too


  9. Perfect fall suggestions, I would like to read Midnight Sun!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Instagram

    1. It is a really good book! I definitely recommend!

  10. autumn is a great time of the year. very inspiring. come here it is cold and gray, you can still find a lot of inspiration and beauty in it. I love this time, it is relaxing, calm and quiet :) everything you wrote about is very interesting. unfortunately, I didn't know anything before, but I would love to get to know everything! :)
    Kisses from Poland <3

    1. I absolutely agree with you. This is a beautiful time of year! Even the rainy days have beauty of their own to share!

  11. Been watching a Russian crime show called The Method and listening to the same stuff, nothing new!


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