Friday, December 18, 2020

christmas advent - day five

One more week! There is just one week left until the big day arrives. This is both exciting and a little bit scary. As much as I love Christmas...I always want to hold onto it for as long as possible. If there were a way to slow down the last few weeks in December, that would be wonderful. I want more time to watch holiday movies and drink hot chocolate while that buzz of excitement and anticipation lingers in the air. It's a magical feeling. One that I would love to hold onto for just a little bit longer. On another note, this is day five of my Christmas advent here on Mansa Fashion. Today's mini blog post is all about shopping. (Something that is always near and dear to my heart.) Keep reading to find out the question and be sure to share your own answer in the comment section below.

When Do You Actually Start Shopping For Christmas?

Honestly, I am always on the lookout for possible Christmas gifts. If I stumble upon something suitable in the middle of June...I'll buy it and tuck it aside. Generally, I start seriously shopping for Christmas gifts in late summer or early fall. Just a few things here or there. I'd rather start early and space it out than have a mad dash at the end of December trying to find something that will make my loved ones smile. This year, things were definitely different on the shopping side of things. There were no trips to the mall or shopping trips to the US (for the past several years, my mom and I always take a bus trip to Eerie, Pennsylvania to do some across-the-border shopping. Not this year. And probably not for a long, long time). I started ordering things in August and was done my Christmas shopping in October. Due to everything happening with global pandemic, I wanted to make sure that the things I ordered online would arrive in plenty of time. So I did a lot of shopping all at once, instead of spacing it out here and there. It was different but at least it is done! 

What about you? When you do actually start shopping for Christmas?


  1. Boa tarde minha querida amiga. Menos de uma semana para o Natal. Que o seu Natal seja de muita paz e saúde para você e sua família.

    1. Thank you so much! I hope you have a wonderful holiday!

  2. Well most years usually Sept but this year in Nov!

    1. That definitely makes sense! This has been a crazy year all around.

  3. Can't believe its almost 2022...Great post dear!I always start shopping in November <3

    1. Oh gosh, I know! This year has certainly been memorable.

  4. Thanks, I like my shirt too =) Oh yes this is really annoying -.- And yes that's not acceptable to cancel everything without asking. So I won't order at this shop anymore :D Thank you, I love my Starbucks mug <3 It's really cute.

    Really interesting post. I started to shop the christmas presents last month :D So I don't have to shop a lot in December ^^

    1. That is a very good idea! It's nice to not have to worry about shopping in December!

  5. I usually shop whenever I see something I know they will like, shopping with a deadline stresses me out so much!
    Happy Holidays,

    1. Yes, I totally agree with you! I find it so much harder to find something special for someone when you are under a deadline!


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