Sunday, December 20, 2020

christmas advent - day seven

It is the last weekend before Christmas. Hard to believe! Though most of the major things have been done already (like decorating and wrapping gifts) it feels like there is still a lot to check off the to do list. Like baking, holiday video calls with friends, and the last minute preparations. Even though the Christmas season tends to be hectic at is always worth it in the end. Here on Mansa Fashion. it is officially day seven of the Christmas advent. So far, there have been questions about traditions and places to celebrate. Today? It is all about music.

What is Your Favourite Christmas Song?

There are an awful lot holiday songs that are meaningful to me. Ones that act as the soundtrack to the season. However, my all-time favourite Christmas song is "O Holy Night" from the "O Holy Night/Silent Night/O Come All Ye Faithful" medley by Hanson. (You can check that out here, if you haven't heard it before.) It is so powerful and always gives me chills. Some other favourites include: John Denver and the Muppets, "Alfie/It's in Every One of Us" medley, John Denver's "Marvelous Toy," "Melodies of Christmas," by David Archuleta, "All is Well," by Clay Aiken and anything from Bing Crosby.) Basically...I love Christmas music. A lot.

On another note! My latest YouTube video is dedicated to my Christmas Movie Collection. There are an awful lot of holiday movies lining my shelves. Take a look and be sure to share some of your own holiday movie recommendations....

What about you? What is your favourite Christmas song?


  1. Greg Lake's I Believe In Father Christmas and Wham's Last Christmas - alway have a cry since George passed. He was such a great man. Both George and Greg died in Dec 2016 RIP to both.

    1. Oh gosh. Yes. I know what you mean. I'm a big Wham and George Michael fan as well so it's always bittersweet to hear "Last Christmas."


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