Friday, December 11, 2020

holiday favourites 2020 (movies, books, and more!)

Every holiday season is a little bit different. Though there are some seasonal staples that never go out of style (like my favourite Christmas albums and classic Christmas movies)…there are also various favourites that change from year to year. Like a new decoration or a certain candle scent. Those little things define the holiday season just as much as those tried and true traditions. Though it's hard to believe, Christmas Day is just two weeks away. Time has certainly been flying lately! Looking for a little seasonal inspiration? Curious about my seasonal must-haves? Here are some of my holiday favourites for 2020. There are movies, books, and so much more.

Though there are lots and lots of things that have added happiness and joy to my holiday season this year, some stand out from the rest. Like the ones pictured above. (For a peek at seasonal favourites from previous years, click here.) They are all an important part of the festivities for 2020. Those favourites include:

  • Sugar Rush Christmas. When it comes to baking competition shows...I am all in. Especially when they happen to be holiday themed as well. There are a lot that I've been watching (like Holiday Baking Championship and the Christmas Cookie Challenge) and one of my favourites is Sugar Rush Christmas. I was literally counting down the days for season two to be added to Netflix. It is so inspiring to see all of the beautiful and tasty creations. 
  • Mistletoe Murder by Karen MacInerney. It is no secret that I love a cozy murder mystery book. (In fact, I am actually in the process of writing my own!) There are certain authors that I have followed for a very long time. However, thanks to my husband, there is a new favourite on my bookshelf. He bought Mistletoe Murder for me and I absolutely devoured it. I loved the writing style, the small-town feel, the authentic characters, and of course, the mystery. This author has a lot of other books as well. So it is only a matter of time! 
  • Marshmallow Fireside Candle. Sometimes, your holiday season just needs a scented candle or two. It adds to the overall atmosphere in the best possible way. One of my favourites this year is Marshmallow Fireside from Leyland & Body Works. It smells so warm and cozy. I like to reserve it for moments when I am feeling ultra relaxed and am curled up in bed watching all of the holiday movies. 
  • Mr. St. Nick. There are an awful lot of holiday movies in my collection. More than I should probably admit! So it is always surprising when I find a Christmas movie on DVD that I've never seen or heard of. Then last year, at the dollar store of all places, I found Mr. St. Nick. It was $4 and starred Kelsey Grammer, so I thought...what the heck. Turns out, it was delightful. (You can check out the trailer for the movie here.) Santa's son needs to take over the reigns, but he is reluctant to give up his extravagant lifestyle. Mr. St. Nick has a stellar supporting cast and is all around enjoyable. I've already watched it several times this year. 
  • Christmas Tree Cakes. I cannot express how happy the seasonally released Little Debbie's Christmas Tree Cakes make me. Usually, it isn't an issue to find a box or two. This year? It seemed impossible. This is likely because I don't really leave the house or go anywhere. But the grocery store had an empty display and I was so disappointed. Thankfully, my mom was able to find a box. Maybe it's because they were so hard to find this year or maybe it's because 2020 has been such a mess....but those Christmas Tree Cakes taste like pure bliss. 

Do you have any seasonal favourites? Share them in the comment section below! 


  1. Great post dear!Lovely favourites!Thanks for sharing!

  2. I have always watched Muppets Christmas Carol on Christmas Eve. Will do this year and probably Elf too!

    1. Oh my goodness. I LOVE that movie so much! Just watched it not long ago!

    2. We watched Christmas Chronicles 2 tonight, it was okay. There was a bit I did cry at!

    3. Aww! I just watched that one as well. I thought it was really well done!

  3. Oh yes there is many good stuff in this box =) Thanks for your agreement, I don't like the consistency and taste of mushrooms. Yeah there is a great variety of products.

    Great post =) I love christmas but I don't know this titles. My favourite christmas movies are "Kevin alone at Home" and "Kevin alone in NY" :D And some other movies too. I don't read books so I don't have a christmas favourite there.

    1. I love those movies! They are called Home Alone where I live and they are definitely classics :)

  4. I've never seen or read anything of it but this cake looks so delicious.


  5. I have been watching so many Sugar Rush Christmas shows lately! So perfect for the season :)
    Jenna ♥
    Life of an Earth Muffin

    1. Right?? So fun to watch. I am in awe of everyone on that show!

  6. I love christmas movies on Netflix, haha. My guilty pleasure!

  7. I am definitely watching Mr ST Nick- I haven't seen it before and we are high on movies this year


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