Wednesday, December 9, 2020

my top 3 favourite candace cameron bure christmas movies

Christmas movies mean a lot to me. They are an essential part of the holiday season and my annual traditions! I love nothing more than curling up with a seasonal movie (or two) and letting everything else fade away. My holiday movie collection is massive and I am always looking for new and exciting things to watch once December hits. Thankfully, Hallmark Channel always releases a ton of festive films. Though I don't watch all of them, I certainly do my best. When it comes to Hallmark movies with Candace Cameron Bure, I never miss one. I am such a huge fan of hers. From Full House to Fuller House, movies, magazines articles, and books...Candace Cameron Bure has been part of my life for as long as I can remember. Find out what my top 3 favourite Candace Cameron Bure Christmas movies are and check out a super simple Candace inspired makeup look. 

Favourite #3: A Shoe Addict's Christmas

Coming in at number three is A Shoe Addict's Christmas. It was released in 2018 and tells the story of Christmases that have been (and could be) through shoes. Yes, shoes! Every time Candace's character, Noelle, puts on a pair of shoes from her guardian angel, she is transported to another time and place. I love this movie so much. It blends the classic Charles Dickens concept of past, present, and future with the modern world. Plus, the fashion is absolute perfection. Not only are there lots of gorgeous shoes to look at, but Candace's entire wardrobe is out of this world. This is definitely a Hallmark classic. 

Favourite #2: Switched for Christmas

Next on the list is Switched For Christmas. This was released in 2017 and is about twin sisters who switch places before the holiday season. I confess: I am a sucker for switching movies like Freaky Friday and even A Princess Switch. This is similar to those but with lots of Hallmark flair. One twin is a small-town teacher and the other is a business executive with lots on her plate. Of course, there are family dynamics at play here as well as a healthy dose of romance. It is fun from beginning to end. Fun fact: Candace's daughter, Natasha Bure actually played the daughter/niece in this movie.

Favourite #1: Journey Back to Christmas

Let me be honest. Candace has been in a lot of stellar Hallmark movies. I can't think of one that isn't wonderful! That being all-time favourite is Journey Back to Christmas. It was released in 2016 and is flawless. In fact, I watch it multiple times per year. It is all about a WWII-era nurse who is transported back in time. She meets a police officer who is able to help her find her way back...but not before she reminds the local residents what Christmas really means. The 40s style hair, clothes, and makeup is beautiful. But what I love most is how sentimental and sweet this film is. Plus, there are bonus points given because Oliver Hudson is also in this movie. 

When it comes to Candace Cameron Bure's makeup, it tends to be fairly simple. I mean, she is a natural beauty! To create my very own Candace Cameron Bure inspired makeup look...I decided to do something inspired by Journey Back to Christmas. I applied a soft brown eyeshadow all over the lid and added lots of mascara. It was a peach blush on the cheeks (warm but not too intense) and a classic red lipstick shade to kick this look up a notch. Though it isn't the kind of makeup look I normally put together, it was exciting to do something a little bit different.

Candace Cameron Bure has been part of my life for a very long time. And part of my holiday traditions! It is always so thrilling to sit down and watch one of her Christmas movies. These are a few of my all-time favourite Candace Cameron Bure movies. Do you have a favourite? Be sure to share yours in the comment section below.

Are you a fan of Hallmark Christmas movies? Do you have any favourites?

Editing Note: Despite the fact that Full House is a long-time love of mine, I no longer support Candace Cameron Bure on a personal level, due to her exclusionary beliefs. 


  1. I don't know any of these! We always watch The Muppets Christmas Carol on Christmas Eve...I always cry!

    1. Oh, I love that movie! I watched it this past weekend :)

  2. Não conheço mais quero assistir. Obrigada pela dica minha linda

    Um beijo

  3. Love watching movies like this during the holiday season! :)
    Jenna ♥
    Life of an Earth Muffin

    1. Yes! They always make the holiday season feel extra special!

  4. I haven't heard of this actress or these movies but that makeup look is lovely on you! :) I do enjoy Christmas movies in December, it's fun introducing new ones to the kids!

    Hope that you are having a nice week :)

    Away From The Blue | Handbag Gift Guide

    1. Well, thank you very much! And yes. Holiday movies are always a lot of fun!

  5. It really sounds like a great product. Thanks I hope that too :D

    Nice post, I don't know this movies but I love christmas movies a lot =) So I have to see them some time :D

  6. I've never really seen these Hallmark movies, but my youngest is such a big fan of Candace that she grew on me and now, I feel like I have to watch there:D Thanks for the heads up, Shannon, and have a great weekend!

    1. Ha! That is awesome! Your youngest has excellent taste :)

  7. Boa noite minha querida amiga. Parabéns pela excelente matéria.

  8. I haven't seen any of these but I will surely check these out. And you are looking so pretty.
    Wonderful Post! Have a great day!

  9. non li conosco,li vedrò. grazie <3

    1. I hope you enjoy them! Thank you so much for your comment!

  10. Interesting films. I haven't watched them yet.
    Have a nice day!

  11. They are definitely worth checking out!


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