Thursday, December 3, 2020

review: too faced cinnamon bear holiday set

One thing that Too Faced does right? Holiday releases. Year after year, they raise the bar on adorable themes and wearable colours. At this just doesn't feel like the Christmas season without this high-end brand. 2020 has been an interesting year, to say the least, but one thing remains constant: Too Faced rules the holiday makeup scene. They launched several new holiday sets, including the Foxy Neutrals and Unbearably Glam Makeup Set. The one that stole my heart? The Cinnamon Bear Limited Edition Collection. It includes an eyeshadow set with a blush, a liquid lipstick, and a themed makeup bag. Want to take a look inside? Find out how these products perform? Here is a full review of this oh-so-themed holiday release.

Review: Too Faced Cinnamon Bear Holiday Set

First thing is first. What is included in the Cinnamon Bear holiday set from Too Faced? It comes with the following: 

  • Cinnamon Bear Palette (8 eyeshadows and a satin blush)
  • Melted Matte Liquified Longwear Lipstick in Cinnamon Bear
  • Cinnamon Bear Makeup Bag
With a $49 CND price point...this set offers a decent amount of products to try. Not only is there a themed makeup bag but there is also a lip product, blush, and an assortment of eyeshadow shades. In terms of the overall variety of items, this was solid release. Collectively, the products are themed and beautiful but how do they stack up individually? Let's start by taking a closer look at that Cinnamon Bear themed makeup bag.

The first item in this set is a super adorable makeup bag. It is a fairly large size and can fit lots and lots of products. The bag is made of a deep red jelly-like material (it reminds me of my jelly shoes back in the 90s!) and has that Cinnamon Bear print all over with the Too Faced logo printed in gold at the top. Every so often, Too Faced adds in a makeup bag into their holiday sets, and they always end up being my favourites. Why? They are wonderfully themed and ultra durable. 

Next up in this Too Faced holiday set is the Melted Matte Liquified Longwear Lipstick in the shade Cinnamon Bear. Talk about a statement lipstick colour! This is a bold red shade that stands out for all the right reasons. It is fabulous. Though I rarely wear red lipsticks (they require a lot more upkeep during the day)…when it comes to the holiday season, nothing beats a bold red lip. It just screams Christmas time. As for the formula, it really impressed me. Matte lipstick formulas can be tricky because some dry down and become really uncomfortable. That wasn't an issue here. It dried down completely and gave that gorgeous matte finish, but at the same time, wasn't overly drying. It also lasted a really long time without showing signs of wear. 

The Cinnamon Bear eyeshadow palette is definitely the star of the show here. It includes eight eyeshadow shades and a satin blush shade. The blush has a gorgeous finish (so well suited to the winter months) and the colour is stunning. It adds a beautiful glow to the skin. During the holiday season, I tend to reach for blush shades similar to this. So it was an exciting addition to the Cinnamon Bear collection. As for the eyeshadow shades, the colours themselves are beautiful. There is so much shimmer and warmth! Plus, those red toned shades make it super simple to create a Christmas themed eye look. There is a combination of matte and shimmers, which adds an extra dose of versatility to this release. Though I love all of the colours inside....the shimmers are easily my favourites. They have a wonderful texture and look absolutely gorgeous. 

As you can see from the swatches above (left to right: liquid lipstick, eyeshadow shades, blush) there are so many warm and wearable colours to choose from. It is super simple to create a neutral daytime look, a colourful look, or something a little richer for nighttime. The only critique I have of this set overall comes down to a very small detail. I don't know if it was just my palette or all of them, but the pans are slightly off. Instead of being properly placed in the packaging...some are ever so slightly placed at an angle. I know that might sound nit-picky, but it feels sloppy and pulls me out of the Cinnamon Bear fantasy. Something else to note? This is meant to smell like cinnamon but smells subtle and sweet instead. This is a good thing, in my opinion, because I hate the smell of cinnamon. (And yet....I chose the Cinnamon Bear set. It was just too cute!) However, if you are hoping this will have a bold cinnamon scent, you may be disappointed. 

To create this holiday themed makeup look, I used a light brown shade Bear Hug through the crease, Red Hots all over the lid, and Pop of Chili over top. Then it was a little liner and mascara to finish off the eyes. I used the blush shade Cinnamon Bear on the cheeks and the Cinnamon Bear lipstick. It was quick, easy, and dramatic. I love how simple it was to create something seasonally inspired. All of the eyeshadow shades work well together, so there is really no wrong way to go about it. Plus, that red liquid lipstick instantly elevates the look. 

4.5 / 5

Overall, this is a wonderful holiday release. In terms of the variety of products and the quality....this is perfection. The reason for my 4.5 score has to do with the pan placement in the eyeshadow palette. Some are slightly off and that detail pulls away and looks somewhat sloppy. That being said, I love the theme, the packaging, the colours, and the end result. This is a really fabulous set. There is no doubt about it: Too Faced and Christmas go hand in hand. 

Have you tried this holiday set? Are you a fan of Too Faced?


  1. OMG Shannon I love your makeup and this set looks fab. Lovely colours :-D

  2. Omg love it so much!Too Faced has the best holiday collections.Great post dear,you look amazing,love your makeup look <3

    1. I totally agree! Their collections are always SO beautiful!

  3. Replies
    1. They really are! Thank you so much for your comment!

  4. Thanks a lot =) The tree is a little bit destroyed but I like it :D <3

    Great review. Wow this looks so beautiful *-* I love it. The eyeshadow palette has beautiful colours and the lipstick fits you perfect.

  5. What a cute set! I love the bear pouch and that is a beautiful red on you! It's good it's not too drying!

    Hope that you are having a lovely weekend! Another hot one here!

    Away From The Blue | Handbag Gift Guide


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