Thursday, January 6, 2022

holiday wrap up: charmed aroma christmas candles

Even though it is mind is still back in December. Yes, a new year has started, but holiday decorations remain in my home and Christmas movies continue to play on my TV. This is because I like to slowly (very slowly) ease out of holiday mode. The first half of January is typically spent listening to Christmas music, enjoying the lights, and saying so long to the happiest season of all. So, be prepared: there will be some holiday wrap up themed posts here on Mansa Fashion. over the next several days. The latest holiday wrap up post is all about Christmas candles from Charmed Aroma. Ready to see what the candles look like? Find out what was inside each one? Here is a review and style. 

Santa's Cookie Jar Holiday Ring Collection

Charmed Aroma has released an awful lot of cute candles over the years. Some standouts include the Beauty and the Beast themed candle and the Winnie the Pooh themed candle. Though there are many cute candles out there...the Santa's Cookie Jar Holiday Ring Collection candle is one of the absolute best. As you can see from the picture above, it is absolutely adorable. I love the cookie jar theme, the red and white design, and the cute candle topper. The Santa feet sit on top and make sure the candle looks absolutely adorable, even when it is not in use. I also love that once the candle has been fully burned, this can actually be used as a little cookie jar or as a holiday decor piece. As for the scent? It is ideal for this time of year. It smells like a delicious sugar cookie. Since I am someone who loves food-inspired candle scents...this is the perfect candle for me. I absolutely love the design and the scent. Plus, this lasts for a really long time. I have burned it for at least 30 hours at this point and there is still about half of the candle left. This is one that just lasts and lasts and lasts. 

There were several possible designs that could have been inside the candle. For instance, Christmas bells, trees, a Santa hat, or a reindeer. Though my heart was set on the reindeer design (it was so stinking cute)...the stocking design was inside my candle. I have to say that even though it was not my first choice, it was not a letdown at all. Anything Christmas themed makes me happy. I am pretty easy to please on that front! What I love about the stocking ring is that it has an adjustable band (so I can wear it on any finger), it is super sparkly, and there are really beautiful rose gold details. The ring is so lovely and really added to the fun this holiday season. All in all, this Santa's Cookie Jar Holiday Ring Collection candle made me smile. I just love the design, the candle scent, and the themed ring inside. This was a fantastic release all around.

I'd Melt For You Pearl Snowman Necklace Collection

Next up? The I'd Melt For You Pearl Snowman Necklace Collection candle. This candle is also ridiculously adorable and perfect for the holiday (or winter) season. While the other candle was a little cookie jar...this particular candle came in a rounded mug. On one side, there was an image of a snowman, complete with heart-shaped rosy cheeks, and on the other side, it said: I'd melt for you. I love that after the candle melted, the container could be cleaned out, washed, and used as a seasonal mug. So cute! As for the scent itself, this is a nice warm vanilla. Definitely my kind of candle. Between the design and the scent, this was another winner. Though it is important to note that this did not have the burn time that the Santa candle had. This is much smaller in size than that candle and so, it lasted for about 20 hours or so.

The accessory hidden inside of this Charmed Aroma candle was a snowman themed necklace with a pearl detail. There were several possible designs and I was excited to see what would be inside my candle. However, my mom is the one who gifted me this candle and she also bought one for herself. So, I was able to see what was inside her candle before I had burned my own. The snowman necklace she got was so cute. I wanted that exact design. And that is why I was a little disappointed by the necklace inside my I'd Melt For You Pearl Snowman Necklace Collection candle. Though the design is fabulous (a little snowman wearing a rose gold hat with a matching rose gold mitten) is hard for me to love it as much as the other necklace. The one in my mom's candle was just perfection. Love at first sight! It kind of feels like the one that got away. Ahh well...this is still super cute and will continue to be a much-worn winter accessory. 

It is no secret that I love Charmed Aroma candles. Why? I love the cute designs, the wonderful scents, and the excitement of a surprise piece of jewellery inside. These holiday themed Charmed Aroma candles were especially thrilling. 

Have you ever tried Charmed Aroma? What do you think of these seasonal candles?


  1. Yes I like this packaging so much, it's super cute =) And I hope it tastes so good as it looks <3 :D

    Great christmas candles, they sound so good =) Especially the snowman looks so cute, love it <3

    1. They really are wonderful. The snowman design is just beyond adorable!

  2. I really like this kind of candles!!!

  3. Everything is so cute, especially that little ring! And the scented candle sounds amazing!
    xo from Croatia!

    1. Yes, I love the ring! It is really cute. Thank you!

  4. Happy new year dear 😘 The ring is very cutest 💖

  5. Me too, I haven't put down my tree and decorations. Those jewelry are lovely and cute mug!

    1. I haven't yet, either! Probably next weekend! Thank you so much!

  6. That ring and necklace are truly pretty! I've been thinking of buying myself a new piece of fine jewellery lately :)

    1. Thank you! And that sounds like a wonderful way to treat yourself!


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