Wednesday, January 26, 2022

too faced: christmas in the city (christmas in paris palette)

Ready to take another look at the Christmas In The City set from Too Faced? In case you missed it, the first post was all about the blush palette and mascara included in the set. Today? It is all about eyeshadow. There were two eyeshadow palettes: Christmas in Los Angeles and Christmas in Paris. To start, it is time to look at the City of Love. The Christmas In Paris Eyeshadow Palette includes twelve eyeshadow shades and has a combination of finishes. Not to mention a stunning design! If you are a fan of Too Faced products or are familiar with the brand, this release is definitely in line with what they do best. Curious? Want to take a look inside? Here is everything you need to know about the limited edition holiday release...

First thing is first...the packaging. It is so beautiful. I absolutely love the soft pink colours and gold accents. There is a lovely scene of the Eiffel Tower, with beautiful buildings (complete with happy couples and Christmas trees peeking through the windows), and Santa's reindeer pulling a sleigh in the sky. It is just...festive and beautiful in all the right ways. On the inside, there is a gold backing, which accents the twelve eyeshadow shades. According to the brand, the palette features six creamy matte eyeshadows, four metallic shades, and two glitter eyeshadows. Oh, and the palette is strawberries and champagne-scented! I love that each one of the items included in the Christmas In The City set has a scent that is specifically linked to the palette theme. Sometimes, with scented products, the scent is not quite right...but this palette really does smell like strawberries and champagne. It is delightful and really makes the theme come alive. 

As you can see from the photo above, there are a lot of soft pinks, warm browns, and shimmery metallics. Most of the colours are really easy to wear and are suitable for everyday...but then there are some bolder pink eyeshadow shades to add a little something extra to the palette. Take a look at the swatches below for a better idea of how the eyeshadow palette performs...

There is a lot to love here. One thing that Too Faced does really well is include a variety of finishes. There are matte shades, shimmer shades, and glitter shades. The matte shades blend really well and the formula is outstanding. I especially love the shade Bonjour Santa (soft mauve) and Baguette Please (taupe-brown). As for the shimmers? Too Faced does shimmers right time and time again. I love how bold and pigmented they are. Let Them Eat Cake (rust shimmer) is my absolute favourite. As for the glitters? Twinkling Tower (bright pink glitter) is beautiful. I love to layer it on top of different eyeshadow looks, because it just makes everything pop in the best possible way. Something else I love? The fact that there are lighter shades, medium shades, and deeper shades to choose from. Not to mention the fabulous Elves & The Eiffel (bright shimmery pink). The fact that there is a bright colour in there as well? Even more versatility. This is a really well-rounded eyeshadow palette.

All in all, this is a really stellar part of the Christmas In The City collection. I love that the eyeshadow formulas, the different finishes, and the colour selection. It is possible to create a lot of different looks using the Christmas In Paris Eyeshadow Palette. From everyday neutrals to something shimmery and over the top...and even something ultra colourful. Yes, there is room for all kinds of creativity. The palette performs well, looks beautiful, and smells fantastic. J'adore!

Have you tried this eyeshadow palette? What do you think of the colours?


  1. Amazing colors *-*

    1. Yes, there are so many lovely colours to work with!

  2. Oh yes I love this colour, it's so beautiful for everyday =) Yes this is really nice, love the quality.

    This is a really beautiful palette again, you have such a good taste =) The colours are great and I love your look =)

    1. Oh yes this looks really great =) I think I will test strawberry cream when it's a little bit warmer :D

  3. Hi dear!These are the colors I love for eye makeup! the palette is gorgeous!


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