Wednesday, February 23, 2022

nyx gimmie super stars matte lip vault (review + lipstick try on)

Lipstick used to be an essential part of every makeup look. Whether it was a matte liquid lipstick, a tinted balm, or a fabulous gloss, there was room for all finishes and colours to thrive! Then the pandemic happened. Everyone started wearing masks and lipstick became unnecessary. After almost two years of wearing lipstick only on rare occasions (for YouTube videos or around my house for no reason at all) was time to do a declutter. It hurt to throw away so many beautiful lip products! But it also made me want to be more mindful about the lip products I chose in future. That is why the NYX Gimmie Super Stars! Matte Lip Vault was so appealing. There were twelve mini-matte lipsticks in total...meaning it would be possible to finish each one and enjoy lots of variety. It is time to take a closer look at the NYX Gimmie Super Stars! Matte Lip Vault set. 

First of fabulous is this packaging? It comes in pretty sturdy packaging with a magnetic closure on the front. Then there are chains, stars, and gold details all over. The NYX Gimmie Super Stars! Matte Lip Vault certainly has style. I haven't decided whether I will keep the lipsticks in this adorable packaging (it is a little harder for me to store and keep accessible in my small beauty space) or whether I will remove the mini lipsticks and place them in my clear lipstick organizer. The latter definitely makes more sense, but I sure do love the way this packaging displays all of the colours. It is so pretty. 

This set comes with twelve mini matte lipsticks in a wide variety of colours. There are classic reds, berry colours, browns, and even some purples. It has a little bit of everything! The actual lipstick tubes have a really lovely design, with a metallic heart in the center. Something to note? This set was originally $75 (though it is currently priced at $52.50 on the NYX website). Both price points are a little high in my opinion, for a set of mini lipsticks. That being said...if you can find this in stores, you may be able to get a better deal. I found it on sale for less than $30 CDN at the drugstore. So, don't be afraid to shop around.

What was included in this set? Twelve matte lipstick shades in a variety of colours. After a little research, I found out that all of the shades in the set are part of the regular NYX line. That was exciting news, because there are a few shades that will certainly be repurchased in future. The set included the following matte NYX lipsticks: 

  • Violet Smoke 
  • Lavender & Lace
  • Soft Spoken
  • Cannes
  • Free Spirit
  • LaLaLand 
  • Girl, Bye
  • Sweet Tooth
  • Spicy
  • Kitten Heels
  • Cold Brew
  • Moonwalk
There are a lot of beautiful lipstick shades in this NYX lipstick set. Some of my absolute favourites? Violet Smoke (my absolute favourite), Lavender & Lace, Free Spirit, and Moonwalk. I would absolutely repurchase those...and a few the future. Though not all of the lipstick shades were favourites, the mini size means all of these will be used and finished before the recommended eighteen month shelf life passes. All of the lipsticks are richly pigmented and last well. The quality is impressive and the set was an excellent investment. Ready for the lipstick try on portion? My latest YouTube video is dedicated to this fabulous drugstore set. See how each one performed and find out which shades stood out for all the right reasons. 

Have you tried any of these NYX lipstick shades? Are you a fan of the brand? 


  1. Looks great :) thanks for your sharing...

    1. It is a really nice set! Thank you so much for your comment <3

  2. Dear ❤ you are so beautiful 😍 in the video I love all the lipsticks that you show ❤

  3. This looks like such a great set! It's nice you get to try so many shades! I don't like matte lipsticks but I did have a creamy NYX lipstick I really enjoyed using - I'm using a flower one at the moment, I only have one lipstick at a time, although with mask rules here it's rarely worn here too!

    Hope you are having a great week! :) Another wet and stormy one here!

    Away From The Blue

    1. Yes, it is a really great set and has been so fun to use. I'm glad you are enjoying the lipstick that you have!

  4. Aww what a fun packaging design! And I think I already love the 9th lip shade, the dark red is sexy.



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