Thursday, March 17, 2022

may your blessings outnumber the shamrocks that grow.

Happy St. Patrick's Day! This holiday always makes me smile. Not only because all holidays are fun, but because on St. Patrick's Day (many years ago...) my husband and I met for the first time. So, it always makes me sentimental. In the past, we would head to a restaurant to celebrate or we would have a little themed dinner at home. Since the pandemic, our celebrations have been much more low-key, though we still try to make it special. This year? It will be another low-key celebration. Even though restrictions are starting to lift where I live, the idea of going out to a restaurant is totally overwhelming to me at this point. I'm still trying to stay inside as much as possible and limit interactions with others. Maybe one day that will change, but for now, inside it is. That means it is my job to bring St. Patrick's Day into our home. We don't have a lot of decorations, but I put up what we have, and even planned out some St. Patrick's Day makeup. Ready to take a peek at this holiday inspired look? 

To create a St. Patrick's Day inspired makeup look, several different products were used, including new and old favourites: 

As you can see from the products above, there are some really beautiful colours to choose from. From the eyeshadow palette, the idea was to make good use of those greens. There is a medium green, a deeper green, and a gorgeous sparkly green shade. Not to mention lots of really lovely warm colours. To create my St. Patrick's Day inspired makeup look, I used the shade Sage Advice on the inner portion of the lid, Like a Moss on the outer portion of the lid, and then Beleaf to deepen the crease. Then there was a bit of Slow Burn through the crease and a bit of the gold shade, Glamping for an extra little pop! On the cheeks, the Too Faced bronze shade was applied with a bit of the blush on the cheeks. To add in even more green (it is St. Patrick's Day, after all) there was an emerald highlighter on top. Then all of the essentials, like liner, mascara, and a brown pencil. The Kylie Cosmetics liquid lipstick finished off this holiday inspired makeup look. 

Makeup is a fun way to celebrate the holiday. And it is nice to tap into my Irish roots with a little green makeup! However you choose to celebrate St. Patrick's Day, here is hoping that you have a wonderful and special time. 

Will you celebrate St. Patrick's Day today? What do you think of this makeup look?

Editing Note: Since Milani chose to contribute to a campaign that involved the harassment and bullying of a domestic violence survivor, I no longer support the brand and do not recommend their products. Spend your money wisely and look elsewhere. 


  1. Oh yes I love my new spices, they sound so good =)
    I'm really happy with the products in this box, they sound so delicious. Especially the pasta and the desserts <3 :D Thanks have a wonderful weekend =)

    Happy St. Patrick's Day too =) Here in Germany it became bigger the last years and I want to go on a St. Patrick's Day Party in the next years =)
    This make up products look all nice and I love your look with it, perfect for those holidays and other special events =)

    1. Oh, that is exciting! I hope you are able to go to a party next year. That would be so fun!

  2. Boa festas minha querida amiga. Obrigado pela excelente matéria. Bom sábado.

    1. Thank you so much! I hope you have a great weekend!

  3. Aw happy St Patricks! I love the look you created, it is dazzling and perfect for the occasion :D the products you used look so pretty too! I hope you are having a lovely March :D xx

    Elizabeth @

    1. Thank you! I hope you had a great celebration as well! <3


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