Saturday, March 5, 2022

rare beauty week: selena's faves set (review and video)

Ready for the last theme week post dedicated to Rare Beauty? Today it is all about the Selena's Faves 4 Piece Mini Set. This set came with four different items from the line, including a Dewy Liquid Blush, Liquid Luminizer, Matte Lip Cream, and the Universal Volumizing Mascara. It is always exciting to test out new beauty products, especially when there are blushes and highlights involved. (I might have a slight obsession with cheek products lately.) Interested in how these items performed? Keep reading for reviews, a makeup look, and a first impressions YouTube video. 

There are four products included in the Selena's Faves 4 Piece Mini Set. The first two are the cheek products....and I have to say that I love the packaging. It is simple and sleek, but the rounded top makes it really easy to unscrew the lid. Just that little extra detail is so fabulous and thoughtful. The Liquid Luminizer (shown above) came in the shade Mesmerize. It has a pink-gold colour and a pearl finish. There is a doe foot applicator and this is really quick and easy to apply to the cheeks. It has a really pretty finish and creates a natural-looking glow to the skin. Some highlights are more shimmery and unnatural, but this particular formula falls on the natural side. It looks glowing and fresh. Then there is the Dewy Liquid Blush in the shade Joy, which is a warm peach. This blush is a total obsession! The colour is stunning. It really creates a warm and naturally flushed look. The product doesn't look heavy on the skin, but it still has a lot of colour payoff. It doesn't take much product to enjoy a fabulous flushed look. I would definitely purchase other liquid blush shades in future. 

The Universal Volumizing Mascara in Black was not something that I was expecting to love. Mostly because I tend to be picky when it comes to mascaras. I have ones that I love...and everything else seems to fall flat. It is rare that a new mascara really wows. That being said, this Rare Beauty mascara was wonderful. It comes in a rich dark colour, easily coats the lashes, adds lots of length, and has a dramatic yet natural looking finish. It is fantastic! My only issue is that the application was slightly difficult due to the mini size. There wasn't enough space between the edge of the cap and the wand, which made things a little messy. I assume that the full-sized version doesn't have that type of issue. Though my all-time favourite mascara is still The Super Sizer from Cover Girl, this is a mascara that I would happily use again if it was available for a decent price. 

The last item included in this set was the Matte Lip Cream in the shade Inspire. This is a bright red colour and is apparently the go-to shade for Selena Gomez. Though everything in this set was impressive, the lip cream was by far the best. Shocking! I was not expecting to love this lipstick so much. Though I have worn red lipstick many times in the past, it is not my go-to, because it is high maintenance and often requires touch ups throughout the day. When it comes to Inspire, touch ups are not needed. I cannot get over the formula. It is really lightweight and feels so natural on the lips. Almost like I am not wearing anything at all. It dries down fully and somehow, it does not feel drying whatsoever. This is a total game changer. I am in love with this formula and how great it feels. The colour is also really beautiful and easy to wear. There is no doubt about it: more Rare Beauty Matte Lip Creams are in my future. I cannot wait to try out some of the different colours. 

The makeup look above uses lots and lots of Rare Beauty products. The Magnetic Spirit Eyeshadow Palette was used on the eyes, the liquid blush and luminizer were used on the cheeks, and the matte lip cream was used on the lips. All of the products are really impressive. Ready for that first impressions video? My latest YouTube video is dedicated to this high-end brand. 

My honest opinion? All of these Rare Beauty products are outstanding. I am so amazed by the quality, the natural finish, and the ease of use. Everything in the Selena's Faves set is ultra glamorous, but is still comfortable enough for everyday wear. This isn't just another celebrity makeup line. This is the celebrity makeup line. 

Have you tried any of these Rare Beauty products? Which celebrity makeup line is your favourite?


  1. Thanks a lot <3 Yes the cake was so delicious and not too sweet. I made many memories like a cool Quad Tour <3 :D

    Nice review =) The mini products look so cute. I love the red lip colour and I love your make up look too =) My favourite celebrity make up line is Fenty by Rihanna =) I didn't try it but I love the packaging and colours.

    1. Yes, the mini products are great to have! Thank you so much. Yes, the items that I have tried from Fenty are really great :D

    2. Mini products are always nice for travel =) You're welcome. That sounds nice =)

      Oh yes this box looks really nice. I'm so happy with the variety of products and absolutely perfect for your health =)

  2. that lip cream looks so good on you I can see why it's your favourite product from the set! it's a shame the mascara is tricky to use but it's fun you got to try it and the other products in the set :)

    Hope that you are having a great weekend! Was a hot and sunny one here :)

    Away From The Blue

    1. Thank you! I just love the lip cream so much. I am so glad you are enjoying your weekend <3
      Mansa Fashion.


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