Friday, March 11, 2022

recent self care beauty favourites (february 2022)

When it comes to beauty, the fun stuff always makes me happiest. Blush, eyeshadow, lipstick. Things that are colourful and transformative! The every day items, like moisturizer and hair care stuff never seems to thrill me in the same way. Those are the needs. Fun and colourful makeup? Those are the wants and the wants are always more appealing. Despite this...I have been focused on different aspects of self care lately. Last month, my goal was to make time to pamper myself in small ways. Even though my schedule was busy and my to-do lists were seemingly endless, it was important to prioritize those little moments. Today, I thought that I would share some of my recent self care beauty favourites. 

Self Care Beauty Favourite #1: Zoe Ayla Eco-Friendly Comb Set. The first self care beauty favourite is this eco-friendly comb set. It came with a large tooth comb and a small booth comb, which are both designed to detangle hair and prevent breakage. Taking good care of my hair is not necessarily something that is high on my priority list....even though it probably should be. Honestly, quick and easy products, like leave-in conditioners, are my favourites. Which is why this comb set is ideal. It allows me to brush through the leave in conditioner without damaging my hair. Plus, the large tooth comb is great for detangling. The brushes are simple, sturdy, and work well. These combs make it easy to work a little self care into my day. 

Self Care Beauty Favourite #2: Caudalie Lip Conditioner. The winter weather makes hydration extra important. That means reaching for all kinds of moisturizing products. From everyday moisturizers to hand lotions to lip balms...they are all must haves right now. The Caudalie Lip Conditioner has been something that I have been incorporating into my evening routine this season. Though it smells a little too floral (not my favourite for a lip product), this works well and helps tackles all of that winter dryness. I like to apply this right before bed, so that my lips are nice and hydrated by morning.

Self Care Beauty Favourite #3: PMD Clean Smart Facial Cleansing Device. For the last few years, I have used the Radiance Spin Care System as part of my regular skin care routine. It works really well and makes it easy to deep clean. That being said, a friend of mine gifted me the PMD Clean Smart Facial Cleansing Device over the holidays, and it was the perfect opportunity to mix it up. The cleansing device has four customizable modes and has silicone bristles. The device is also waterproof and has an ergonomic design. I didn't think that I would like the silicone bristles as much, but they actually apply the product really well and are easy to clean. This product also claims to firm and tone the skin. No idea if it actually does that...but it is nice to think so, at least. This has been a nice way to add a little extra self care to my days. 

Self Care Beauty Favourite #4: Trust Fund Beauty Better Than Therapy Lip Oil. I've heard a lot of chatter about lip oils lately. According to this Ipsy article, lip oils treat, soothe, and nourish the lips, all while making the lips look plump. It is soothing, hydrating, and looks like a gloss. Sounds pretty appealing. Needless to say, it was nice to have the Trust Fund Beauty Better Than Therapy Lip Oil to put to the test. This particular product is cruelty free, non-toxic, vegan, and gluten-free. Plus, the company is female owned. Pretty impressive all around! As for the product itself, it is somewhat thick and nicely coats the lips. It feels comfortable and does a wonderful job of adding extra hydration. This is something that I have been using throughout the day for a quick and easy pick-me-up. It has been a wonderful self care beauty favourite. 

Do you have any self care beauty favourites? Share your current obsessions in the comment section below!


  1. Nice details:) thanks for your sharing...

  2. Thanks =) Yes I love Funko Pops too, they're so cute.

    Nice post with good products =) Oh the Caudalie lip conditioner sounds pretty nice, at the moment I use my lip cares very often because my lips are so dry :D The facial cleansing device looks also nice.

    1. Same! The cooler temperatures have made moisturizing lip products extra important!


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