Monday, March 7, 2022

review and reveal: cinnamon bun bath bomb

I am the first to admit that I do not like cinnamon. At all. Neither does my best friend, which is why she bought me this Cinnamon Bun bath bomb from Charmed Aroma. It was a nod to our mutual dislike of all things cinnamon...and the way the local mall always smells like Cinnabon. On the plus side? I do love Charmed Aroma and the accessories hidden inside of their products. Normally, candles are the must-have item, but this time, there was a Charmed Aroma bath bomb to unveil. Ready to find out what was inside? Then keep reading, because this another Charmed Aroma review and reveal.

Since cinnamon is really not my thing, the bath bomb was not going to be dissolved in my bathtub. But that doesn't mean I had to wonder what was inside! I literally took a hammer and smashed the bath bomb to reveal the ring inside. (Don't worry....I didn't damage the ring. It was in a small plastic container.) So it only took a minute or so to find out what was hidden inside. Very different from the Charmed Aroma candles, which usually take at least a few hours. The scent itself was pretty strong, even though I did my best to contain it in a garbage bag. If you hate cinnamon? This is not the best option. If you are a cinnamon lover, this will be right up your alley. Ready to see what was inside? It is time for the big reveal....

Ta da! I have to say, even though I hate cinnamon, I absolutely love this ring. This is one of the best reveals in quite some time. There is something about the design that immediately took my breath away. I love the woven details on the band and the large stone surrounded by lots of smaller stones. It is such a gorgeous vintage inspired design and it really stands out from a lot of the other accessories in my jewellery box. It is so elegant and classic! I just love it and feel extra special when it is on. 

Something fun? Charmed Aroma jewellery can be appraised on the website. Though the actual value is debatable, it is always kind of fun to see what the company believes the value is. This particular ring was appraised at $20, which is fairly low...but considering the fact that I love the design so much, the appraisal value doesn't matter much. All in all, this was a win for me. Not only did it make me chuckle (thanks to the inside joke with my BFF) but it also resulted in a stunning new accessory.

Have you tried any of the bath bombs from Charmed Aroma? What do you think of this ring design?


  1. Replies
    1. You are so welcome! Thank you for stopping by <3

  2. Oh it's great that although you didn't like the bath bomb that it made you smile with the shared joke and that you got such a lovely ring out of it! It is a really pretty design :)

    Hope that your week is off to a good start :)

    Away From The Blue

    1. Thank you so much! Yes, the ring is so beautiful.

  3. Oh wow! That ring looks awesome, Shannon! I can see why you love it, and it looks fab on your finger:) And TBH, I am a huge cinnamon fan:D How can you not like it?!?!? hehe

    1. Thank you! I really do love it. Ha! I don't know. My husband loves cinnamon and so does my mom, but I never have!

  4. omai..that's so good. the hidden gems lol. i like the design..awww

  5. At the first sight I did thin you are sharing your culinary creation! It looks SO real! I like bath bombs as well, it's always a joy to see it slowly disappear and make my bath colorful and smelling nicer before the spa day

    1. Ha! It really does look real! They definitely did a good job with that.

  6. Yes it was really nice but my last time in Egypt was more relaxed - my bed was better there :D Thanks a lot =) Oh yes I made many nice memories there <3 It was so delicious. You're absolutely right =)

    Oh my gosh this cinnamon bun bath bomb looks so cute <3 I really thought it's a cinnamon bun :D I love cinnamon, so this would be perfect for me. The ring is so cute with the bling bling <3 :D

  7. I love cinnamon fragnance 😀

  8. I confess that I'm not the biggest fan of cinnamon either, and I would probably do the same thing you did ahah
    But it was worth it, because the ring is beautiful! *-*

    1. Ha! Glad you understand! The ring is definitely really lovely :)

  9. That is fun the candles with the rings. Lately I have been burning the Meyers candles they are affordable and smell great.

    Leanne Thompson of

    1. Oh, those candles must be wonderful! Glad you have a brand that you enjoy!


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