Thursday, April 28, 2022

review: ciate london watermelon burst setting spray

Setting sprays can be difficult. There are so many out there, but not all of them perform well. For every Urban Decay All Nighter or Morphe Set and Refresh Mist, there are dozens of setting sprays that falls flat. Either there is an odd chemical scent or the product does not actually help makeup stay in place. Finding something that works for you (and your skin type) can be a long and grueling process. Over the years, there are a handful of setting sprays that have made my must-have list. The two mentioned already and the Too Faced Hangover 3-in-1 Setting Spray. Now? It is time to give another setting spray a try. One of my friends gifted me the Ciate London Watermelon Burst setting spray. Since my previous experiences with Ciate London have been pretty positive in the past...I had high hopes that this would be another win. Keep reading to find out how it performed.

According to the brand, this Ciate London setting spray is designed to set and refresh makeup. It is "formulated with watermelon extract and niacinamide" and has a "delicately scented ultra-fine mist." There is also supposed to be a dewy and natural finish. When it comes to the packaging, this setting spray is pretty standard. It comes in a clear plastic bottle and has a golden cap. Nothing over the top or ultra glamorous, but setting spray bottles tend to be fairly basic. As for the scent, the Watermelon Burst Setting Spray certainly lives up to the name. It has a nice, fresh, watermelon scent that isn't too strong or powerful. Sometimes scented products for the face can be a little overwhelming, but this isn't at all. The smell is very light and fades a few minutes after application. In my opinion, this is definitely scent done right.

The product description mentions an ultra-fine mist, but to be honest, this sprays pretty heavy. Something that I really like about the Morphe setting spray, as an example, is how fine that mist really is. This Ciate London setting spray is...not. It comes out as quite a healthy spray and takes a few minutes to dry completely. So that is certainly something to keep in mind. As for actually holding makeup in place, this does a decent job. It is suitable for everyday makeup, but for an evening event or a special occasion, there are probably other setting sprays that I would reach for instead. I will have no issue using up this setting spray, but it falls in the middle of the pack. It isn't the worst that I've tried and it isn't the best. It is usable, but there are better options for a comparable price point.  Would I seek this out again in future? No. But for now, it will handle everyday looks.

Have you tried the Watermelon Burst Setting Spray from Ciate London? What did you think of it?


  1. Yes this cream is really nice, it works so well and smells nice. Absolutely perfect for this price =) Yes my week is pretty good until now, hope yours too <3

    Great review =) This setting spray looks very interesting and it's amazing that the scent is watermelon because I love watermelon <3 So this would be perfect for me. I don't know the brand but I would try it =)

    1. Oh the other comment was in my spam :D

      Oh yes this Snoopy socks are so cute, I love them <3 :D

    2. Thank you! Yes, watermelon always smells so good. I love it!

  2. Boa tarde minha querida amiga. Parabéns pelo maravilhoso produto.

  3. i don't like heavy mist. felt that it sticky and take times to dry

    1. Totally agree! I hate waiting for things to dry, so a finer mist is much better!

  4. Thanks for your sharing:) greetings from Turkey...

    1. You are so welcome. Thank you for stopping by <3

  5. watermelon is my favorite scent for facial sprays. This one seems pretty nice and it looks like an item to order here. I have never realized how much I needed a setting spray before moving to tropical climate

    1. It would definitely come in handy in those warmer temperatures!

  6. Shame that the mist is a bit heavy. Thanks for a honest review.


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