Sunday, May 22, 2022

essence bronzed this way eyeshadow palette (review)

Affordable products make me happy. Especially when they are nicely themed and work well. Though there is always something thrilling about a trip to Sephora or some high-end makeup purchase...there are some truly incredible offerings at the drugstore as well. As a beauty enthusiast, I love to try a little bit of everything. That includes higher end items, drugstore items, and even dollar store items. It is always fun to see what works, what doesn't, and what falls somewhere in between. When it comes to the Bronzed This Way Eyeshadow Palette from Essence? Well, there is an awful lot to love. 

I am no stranger to Essence products. The brand is appealing because of the ultra low price point, the selection of products, and the fact that everything is cruelty free. Over the years, there have been some hits, some misses, and some holy grail products...but it has all been fun to put to the test. Most recently, it is the Bronzed This Way Eyeshadow Palette that has been in heavy rotation. Though I have been able to try out a bunch of these mini eyeshadow palettes over the last little while, this one is most in my wheelhouse. Why? The warm bronze shadow shades. When it comes to eyeshadow, everyone has their preferences. Some people love matte shades, some are addicted to shimmer, some love bright colours, and some are all about neutrals. For me, my weakness is a warm bronze kind of colour. Basically everything in the Bronzed This Way Eyeshadow Palette is a must-have for me. I love that these kinds of shades are easy to use, but still look bold and beautiful. 

In terms of the quality, these are very similar to the other mini eyeshadow palettes that I reviewed earlier this year. (Check out some makeup looks featuring the Coral Me Maybe and Taupe It Up eyeshadow palettes here.) There is a combination of matte and shimmer shadows, the packaging is ultra compact, and the price is just $4.99 CDN. These minis are the ideal travel companion and are perfect for those on-the-go moments. What I love is how well these eyeshadows perform. Just because the price is low doesn't mean the quality is subpar. Anything but! These perform just as well (if not better) than some of the higher-end items that I have used over the years. The mattes are nicely pigmented and blend well. The shimmers are bold, go on smooth, and look fabulous on the lid. Essence has really hit it out of the park with this formula and it is really enjoyable making good use of the palette. The theme, the shade selection, the finishes, and the formula are all out-of-this-world amazing. If you ask me, the Bronzed This Way Eyeshadow Palette is a drugstore hidden gem and an absolute must-have. 

The look (shown above) was super simple to create. Since the colours in this palette are so easy to wear, application is a breeze. I started out with the first matte shade through the crease, then added the gold shimmer to the inner portion of the lid. The deeper bronze shimmer was placed on the outer portion of the lid with a hint of that deep brown matte in the outer corner and along the lower lash line. These shadows are pigmented, pretty, and such a breeze to use. This is an affordable eyeshadow palette that is sure to make each and every summer look totally unforgettable. 

Rating: 5 / 5

Have you tried the Bronzed This Way Eyeshadow Palette from Essence? Are you a fan of Essence products?


  1. i love it! so beautiful. I have been using this brand quite some time now

    1. Wonderful! Essence is a really great (and affordable) brand. So many fantastic products.

  2. Nice palette. Essence always has interesting products. Thanks for sharing.
    I invite you to visit my last post. Have a good week!

    1. Agree! They definitely have a lot of great products. Thank you so much for stopping by <3

  3. That palette is super nice, and the colors are amazing! <3

    1. Yes, it is a really pretty and easy to use palette!


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