Friday, May 6, 2022

#FOTD + mini review (milani gilded terra eyeshadow palette)

Editing Note: Since Milani chose to contribute to a campaign that involved the harassment and bullying of a domestic violence survivor, I no longer support the brand and do not recommend their products. Spend your money wisely and look elsewhere. And be sure to watch the video below for additional information.

It has been a while. In the past, Milani products were an essential part of my everyday makeup routine. The blushes? Incredible. The eyeshadows? Beautiful. The brow products? Easy to use and effective. And has been a few years since anything new from Milani has been added to my makeup collection. There is no specific reason for this. Other blushes have been used, different eyeshadows have been on my radar, and new favourites have replaced old favourites. It happens! While at the drugstore recently, the Gilded Terra Eyeshadow Palette from Milani caught my eye. Described as a hyper-pigmented eyeshadow palette with a combination of dusty rose shades, earthy neutrals, and serene shades of was hard to resist. The cost was fairly high for a drugstore palette ($27 CDN) but temptation got the best of me! Ready to see this palette in action? Find out what it can do? It is time for a #FOTD look and a mini review of this drugstore release. 

The colour story is everything. The warm and earthy colours mixed with a few pinks and purples...well, it is sheer perfection. I love that it is possible to create something a little more subtle or incorporate colour in a thoughtful way. And the finishes! Those shimmer shades are truly extraordinary. Many of the shadows live up to the word gilded. There is this incredible shine that makes sure the makeup looks stand out for all the right reasons. There are also some soft buttery mattes thrown into the mix and some more traditional shimmers. Something else I love about the Gilded Terra Eyeshadow Palette? The fact that all of the eyeshadows have names. Plus, there is a mirror inside the palette. Those are details that can be missed at the drugstore and it is nice to see that the brand has been thoughtful about the overall user experience. 

As you can see from the swatches, many of these shadows are bold in the best possible way. Some of my favourite shades are: Enjoy the View (shimmery white), Sage Advice (shimmery sage), and Take a Hike (shimmery copper). Those shimmers are absolutely incredible and really make it easy to create a makeup look that wows. Even though this palette was a little pricey for the drugstore, the price makes sense based on the overall level of quality. Ready to see a recent #FOTD using this palette? 

This #FOTD look made good use of the shimmers, but also incorporated lots of the matte shades. Through the crease was Slow Burn (warm matte brown) and Take a Hike (shimmery copper) was applied to the outer portion of the lid. Enjoy the View (shimmery white) was applied on the inner portion of the lid and a touch of Branch Out (warm deep brown) was applied to the outer portion of the crease. Along the lower lash line was a bit more Branch Out on the outside and some Weekender (warm shimmery gold) on the inner third for a shimmery pop of colour. A little eyeliner and mascara finished off the eyes. On the cheeks, there was a Too Faced blush and a bit of the Revolution x Friends gloss in the shade Chandler was worn. The look was wearable, but still stood out, thanks to all of that shimmer. There certainly is a lot to love about this drugstore palette! 

Have you tried this Milani eyeshadow palette? What do you think of this #FOTD?


  1. Flashy and nice colours :) thanks for your sharing...

    1. Yes, there are so many beautiful colours! Thank you for stopping by!


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