Wednesday, May 4, 2022

new in: john denver merchandise

John Denver takes me to another place entirely. Though life can feel stressful, overwhelming, and hectic at times...his music makes the world seem peaceful and safe. Suddenly, I am understood. Suddenly, everything is going to be okay. I have been a fan of John Denver for a very long time, but several years back, his music became an essential part of my being. It brought fuzzy things into focus. It gave me hope, purpose, and comfort. Needless to say, my record player (or CD player or iPod or whatever else) is often playing his music! Perhaps this is why my husband decided to treat me to a few items from the John Denver online store. I had sent him a link to a hat that caught my eye and he ended up purchasing the hat as well as a few other things he thought I would like. It was such a sweet gesture and his thoughtfulness made these already special items feel extra special. Ready to take a closer look at this John Denver merchandise? Keep reading...

John Denver - Windstar Logo Dad Hat. Okay, this dad hat is what really started it all. This has been on my radar for a while. In fact, every now and then, I would visit the website and see if it was still in stock. It really has it all: denim, classic 90s dad hat style, and the Windstar logo. I have visions of wearing this hat while cottaging this summer or on walks with my husband. It is just so cool and totally matches my vibe. Thankfully, the hat is exactly as imagined. It looks great and the embroidered design is fabulous. I cannot wait to wear it absolutely everywhere this summer. I will be sun safe and stylish!

John Denver - Country Roads T-Shirt. This shirt is one that my husband picked out for me. And he chose very well! I love that soft yellow that was so popular in the 70s. Plus, the country roads design is gorgeous. I love the winding road, the mountains, the trees, and the birds flying through the sky. It perfectly represents the beloved John Denver song and just makes everything feel a little more hopeful. I've been wearing this around the apartment (mostly because I rarely leave the apartment) but hope that I will be able to wear it out and about sometime in the not-so-distant future. John Denver shirts make me happy. 

Rocky Mountain High - Earth Day Poster. This item was totally unexpected and such a fantastic surprise. The John Denver store has screen-prints from Brian Langeliers to commemorate the Rocky Mountain High Earth Day Celebration that took place in Brookfield, Colorado, on April 21, 2011. This has three colours printed on: metallic gold, matte maroon, and opaque white. My print is 118/250 and it is just a really beautiful piece. My husband bought me a simple black frame and it now is hanging on the wall next to my CD shelves. Though I absolutely love everything from this little John Denver haul, this one feels extra special. It isn't something that I would've thought to buy for myself, and yet, it is exactly what I needed. 

It has been wonderful to incorporate a little John Denver into my home decor and fashion. His music brings me such peace...and these items are a reminder of what matters most: love, compassion, and unity. 

Are you a fan of John Denver? Do you have any special music merchandise? 


  1. Replies
    1. You are so welcome! Thank you for stopping by!

  2. Thanks =) I love this shoes too, so beautiful <3 Oh yes the will look wonderful with so many outfits this spring & summer =)
    Thank you <3 It's really annoying. It changes everyday between headaches and feeling better, hate it :D
    Yes this is really wonderful, I love to test products <3 Thanks my week is ok, not the best and not the worst :D Hope yours is great.

    Really interesting post with nice merchandise.
    The T-Shirt would be my favourite because it looks really comfortable.
    I have also some music merchandise like from Katja Krasavice or Tokio Hotel (but this is pretty old, over 15 years :D).

    1. Well, I hope the rest of your week is fabulous! Thank you <3 Yes, the shirt is super comfy and cute. I just love the design. You can never go wrong with music merchandise :D


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