Saturday, May 28, 2022

pat mcgrath labs x bridgerton (haul + mini reviews)

As someone who loves television a lot...there are countless shows on my list of loves. Some are higher up on that list than others, but each one has a special place in my heart. For example? Bridgerton. This show is an absolute phenomenon, with 193 million hours of the show watched in the premiere weekend for season two. This show is hugely successful and for good reason. Not only is there a stellar cast, incredible costumes, and compelling storytelling, but this show does romance well. After becoming totally obsessed with season one, it was difficult for me to believe that season two could be better. But it was. Way better. Season two is actually my preferred season so far. Clearly, I have a total obsession with all things Bridgerton. So, when my mom gifted me some Pat McGrath Labs x Bridgerton items, it was especially exciting. Ready to take a peek at those products? Find out how they perform? Here is a closer look at some of the items from the themed collection. 

MTHRSHP: Belle of the Ball Eye Shadow Palette. I have only tried Pat McGrath products once before (since the price point tends to be a little higher than my budget would like) but was totally obsessed with the items that I tried. For the record, they were mini lipsticks and that review can be seen here. Now, I have finally been able to try out the eyeshadow formula for myself. This palette includes six different shades, with some shimmery and matte shades to choose from. I absolutely love all of the shimmers. They really dazzle and pick up light well. The formula is also really creamy and applies nicely. The matte shades have an impressive amount of pigmentation and blend nicely. The packaging is beautiful and all of these products are themed to perfection. Out of everything in the palette, the shade Forever Charmed (bottom right) is my favourite. In fact, it is one of my all-time favourite eyeshadow shades ever. It is phenomenal and I am completely obsessed. 

Blushing Delights Blush and Highlighter Palette. Next up in this mini haul and review is a gorgeous blush and highlight palette. There is a lot to love here. The design and theme is gorgeous and I love this pin cushion style packaging. It is really unique and is on display in my beauty room. The only downside is that the packaging is cardboard, so it isn't as sturdy as it could be for such a high-end item. However, the product themselves? Fabulous. I am so in love with the shades in this blush set. My favourite is the darkest colour, but the soft pink and coral are also winners. The highlight is beautiful as well and adds a nice soft glittery finish to the cheeks. These cheek products leave the skin so fresh and glowy. Love, love love! 

Skintillating Diamond Body Shimmer Powder. The last item is this diamond body shimmer powder. I have tried similar products in the past from different brands (at my lower price points). Honestly? This shimmer powder from Pat McGrath Labs performs similarly to those affordable body shimmer products. It just costs a lot more! This product has the same cardboard packaging, which is both good and bad. It can be recycled, which is great, but it is also a little flimsy for its designed purpose, and certainly does not have a luxurious feel. On the plus side? The powder puff makes it easy to apply the product and the product itself creates a beautiful shimmery finish. It will be the perfect addition to my summer beauty routine. 

Ready to see these products in action? The look (shown below) made use of some of the eyeshadow shades from the MTHRSHIP: Belle of the Ball Eye Shadow Palette and the Blushing Delights Blush and Highlighter Palette. As you can see, my new favourite eyeshadow shade was featured heavily. Be sure to let me know what you think of this Bridgerton look....

Still looking for more Bridgerton related content? Then you are in luck. My latest YouTube video is all about the products included in this post. Take a look at all of the swatches and see some of the items in action...

Have you tried anything from this collection? Are you a fan of Bridgerton?


  1. I love this show, it's so trashy and funny with all the girls :D Oh yes the looks are really glamouros. Yes it was a relaxing evening =)

    Great haul and review =)
    This products look so cute especially the blushes and highlighter <3 Your make up look is also cute <3

    1. Thank you! Yes, the products are really beautiful <3

  2. I haven't seen this show but I know a lot of people love it! And the makeup looks so pretty! I love the metallic look you created with it, so stunning! :)

    Hope you are having a good weekend :) We are enjoying the sunshine after so many rainy weeks!

    Away From The Blue

    1. It really is excellent! Thank you so much! I'm glad the weather has finally turned around where you are :)

  3. Oh my, I love Bridgerton and these are so beautiful. Those lovely boxes, and I love the highlighter palette colors. You look beautiful!


    1. Absolutely! It is so pretty and nicely themed. <3

  4. Wow those products are adorable. I like the colors... kisses

    1. There are a lot of beautiful ones to choose from! Thank you for stopping by!

  5. These are the cutest! Look amazing,
    Have a great week!


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