Monday, May 16, 2022

review: nyx money heist color palette

The watch list on my Netflix account is out of control. One example? I went to start the new season of The Circle...only to discover that I never finished the last season of The Circle. Oops. It is difficult to stay on top of everything. Especially since there are so many different streaming services these days. Honestly? I love television shows and movies an awful lot. If it were up to me, I would watch things all day every day, but alas, there are always other things that need to be done. Hopefully one day soon, I will be able to whittle down my list and watch another show that I have long been meaning to tackle: Money Heist. I've heard incredible things about it and very much want to watch. Until that time, I will have to satisfy my curiosity with the Money Heist Color Palette from NYX. My husband treated me to this, because he knew that the eyeshadow shades were ones that would get a lot of use from me. He was right! I have been putting this nine-shadow palette to the test and the colours are definitely in my wheelhouse. Ready to take a look inside? Here is everything you need to know about this drugstore release. 

Look at those gorgeous colours! There are so many bold and vibrant shades and I could not wait to put them to use. In terms of the colour story, the fact that there are nice neutrals, blending colours, warm pinks, and burgundy shades made this an absolute winner. There is enough variety with light, medium, and dark colours to make sure this is super versatile. There are also different finishes to enjoy as well. This NYX product is fairly small in size (which is a trend that I have noticed lately, where eyeshadow palettes are getting smaller and smaller. Gone are the days of oversized and elaborate packaging!) and it would be ideal to take on-to-go or if you planned to do a little traveling. Something to keep in mind? The five shades with red boxes around the shade names? Those are pressed pigments and state that they are not intended for use on the eyes. I've seen a lot of comments online where reviewers are quite upset by that. In truth? I am not. Pressed pigments are not FDA approved for the eyes in general...but almost every single makeup brand has them. Typically, pressed pigments (which are often reds and pinks) will stain the eyelids slightly for a day or so. Nothing crazy. That being said, it is your call whether you want to use them.

There are some really beautiful eyeshadow shades here. Some of the standouts for me are Aikido (shimmery holographic pink), Cider (warm yellow-brown), and Sergio (warm coral). These are nicely pigmented, but the matte shades require a little more building up in order to reach full vibrancy. I really love the different finishes, the warm colours, and how well-rounded the colour story is. Want to see the NYX eyeshadow palette in action? Here is a recent makeup look featuring the palette...

To create the look above, the shade Cider was worked through the crease. Then a bit of Sergio was layered on top. The shade Salva was applied all over the lid and a bit of Buy Time was dotted on the center of the lid to add in a little bit of shimmer. Salva and Mastermind were applied along the lower lash line. The look was warm, dramatic, but still really wearable. I love the different makeup looks this drugstore palette can create. However, it is important to note that this palette is a little on the pricey side if you buy it full price. (It was on sale on the NYX website, so if you are interested, act fast.) It cost $28 CDN at full price, which is pretty steep for the drugstore. NYX tends to be a little higher in price than some of the other drugstore offerings, so that price point wasn't completely unexpected, but it is just something to consider before you head to the store.

Rating: 4 / 5

What do you think of the Money Heist Color Palette from NYX? Have you watched this Netflix show?


  1. Amazing colors *-*

  2. I loved this palette:) thanks for your sharing...

    1. It is a really great one! Thank you so much for stopping by!

  3. Yes it fits really well =) I love the design too, perfect for summer vibes =)

    Great review =) This palette looks nice and I love those colours <3 Your make up look is cute as always =)

    1. Oh, how wonderful! I am sure you will have a great (and stylish) summer. Thank you so much. I really appreciate that <3

  4. Boa tarde minha querida amiga. As cores são maravilhosas. Obrigado pela visita e carinho.

  5. Beautiful palette colors.

  6. Oh wow! I love love love the look you created with this palette, Shannon! NYX is such a great drugstore brand IMO. I haven't bought any makeup in awhile, but I'll check this out when I go to Shoppers next time. I tend to gravitate towards lipsticks but I'll try to remember...LOLZ.
    And to-watch list is a mile long! Ugh! I also wish I can just watch movies and shows the whole day. That would be heaven:D

    1. Oh, thank you! Agree...NYX has a lot of really stellar products to choose from. If only we could just ignore all of those pesky responsibilities and tackle our watch lists for a bit!

  7. Absolutely! The colours are beautiful <3


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