Friday, May 20, 2022

tweety bird candle (charmed aroma review + reveal)

Charmed Aroma candles make me happy for many reasons. In addition to the adorable packaging, the candle scents, and the themes...there are also gorgeous accessories tucked inside each candle as well. As someone who loves both candles and jewellery, this is a match made in heaven. One of my friends first introduced me to the brand in 2019 (you can check out my first Charmed Aroma review here) and it has been full steam ahead ever since then. I've enjoyed candles of all shapes and sizes and have been able to incorporate lots of beautiful pieces into my accessories collection. There is a lot to love! The latest Charmed Aroma review and reveal is all about Tweety Bird. Yes, this beloved Looney Tunes character has been given the candle treatment. Ready to find out more? Keep reading for a full review and a peek at the themed accessory inside.

Like many Charmed Aroma candles, the Tweety Bird Candle has a really fabulous design. This candle looks like Tweety Bird, of course! It is super cute and can be used to hold a plant or to store little odds and ends once the candle has been completely burned and cleaned out. I love that because it means the candle container itself can be repurposed and reused in a fun new way. As for the scent, this is described as a combination of sweet pineapple, orange nectar, and island coconut. It smelled really strong in the box, but once it started to burn, the scent was quite pleasant and not overwhelming at all. That was definitely a bonus, because I was a little afraid that it would be too much. Clearly the packaging is super cute, the candle scent is ideal for this time of year, and there was still a hidden treasure inside. for the really fun part. It is time for the reveal portion of this blog post. I actually filmed a video for my YouTube channel so you can see the actual reveal process and find out how long it took to unveil the Tweety Bird themed accessory inside. Take a look...

It was so thrilling to see the exact necklace design that I had been hoping for. I absolutely love the moon and star shape with the little Tweety Bird sitting so perfectly poised. This accessory is sparkly, fun, and very different to anything else that is in my existing accessory collection. I love how whimsical it is. Here is a closer look at the gorgeous necklace inside: 

What do you think of this review and reveal? Are you a fan of Tweety Bird and Looney Tunes characters?


  1. Lovely:) thanks for your sharing...

    1. You are so welcome! Thank you for stopping by!

  2. Ahh so cute, and reminds me of my childhood too! Love the mon pendant too.

  3. The candle is so cute, and the necklace is adorable! I love the whole concept of this! <3

  4. You got such a cute necklace! The scent sounds lovely too and it's such a cute candle holder, will be nice to reuse for other things when the candle is burned through :)

    Hope you are having a great weekend. It's another rainy day here.

    Away From The Blue

    1. Absolutely! The design is so cute and I am sure that I can find a good use for the candle holder. It was a tough weekend (we lost power for 48 hours) but hopefully things will look up from here. I hope you are doing well <3

  5. Interesting review! Thanks for sharing :)

    Abdel | Infinitely Posh.


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