Sunday, June 19, 2022

beauty products i love so much...i keep backups.

It is no secret that I am often inspired by Emily Noel. Earlier this week, I did a revisited review of her palettes (if you missed it, you can check that post out here). Now? I am sharing some of my beauty backups. This was inspired by a video that Emily posted on her YouTube channel about a month ago. She shared some of the products that she loves so much, she keeps multiples on hand, so she never runs out. After watching that video, I realized there are several products that I like to have backups of. I never want to run out of those must-have beauty items. Ready to find out more about my backups? Here goes...

Though there are many beloved beauty products in my makeup collection, there are five in particular that I keep heavily stocked at all times. I don't purchase one at a time...I take home two or three. Those product include: 

  • The Emily Edit - The Needs Palette. Since I recently wrote about this palette, I won't go into all of the details, but this face and eyeshadow palette is probably my favourite beauty product of all time. I have three backups currently. Every single time I am able to order one or stumble upon one at a store, I buy it and take it home with me. This is a must-have in my makeup collection. It just makes my makeup routine better and easier. 
  • Annabelle Kohl Eyeliner Pencil. For liquid eyeliner, my favourite is the NYX Epic Ink liner, but for whatever reason, I don't tend to keep a ton of them on hand. As for the Annabelle Kohl Eyeliner Pencil, I tried this for the first time back in 2016, and have kept multiples on hand ever since. The one that I am currently using is teeny tiny, but I always make sure to use every last bit before moving on to the next pencil. At the moment, I have three backups.
  • Essence Eyebrow Designer Eyebrow Pencil. This is not a product that I have used for years and years, but it is one that really wowed me. It was love at first use! Since purchasing it during the pandemic on a whim (I needed a new brow pencil and wasn't leaving the house much) has become an absolute must for me. I currently have two backups of the lighter brown colour and two backups of the darker brown. These are affordable and easy to use. 
  • L'Oreal Infallible Pro Glow Foundation. My old favourite foundation was from Rimmel. After they discontinued it, there was a very long search to find something that worked well for my dry skin. Thankfully, the L'Oreal Infallible Pro Glow Foundation was a good replacement. (Though more than double the price of the Rimmel foundation.) This works so well, looks really natural on the skin, and lasts nicely throughout the day. I have three backups currently in my shade and one in a slightly darker colour, for when I've been making good use of a gradual tanner. 
  • Cover Girl The Super Sizer Mascara. I have talked about this mascara a million times by now, but truly, The Super Sizer mascara from Cover Girl is the best. And I have tried a ton of different high end and drugstore mascaras. It works so well and is really affordable. Since I am always afraid of my favourite products being discontinued, I tend to purchase backups of those must haves. Currently, there are two waterproof versions of The Super Sizer in my little backups collection and three regular ones. All of these will be used, because this mascara is perfection.

Do you keep any backups in your makeup collection? What products are your must haves?


  1. Me too, when I love and use a product a lot, I always buy extra. Because I know they'll be no more very soon! And when it comes to clothes too, if I really like the design of a tshirt, blouse or pants, I would get two because I already know I will overuse them! hehe

    1. Exactly! Glad I'm not the only one! When you find something you's nice to have extras, even with clothes!

  2. It is good to keep backups. I have a few nail polish backups!


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