Wednesday, June 15, 2022

hawaiian tropic aloha glow self-tanning milk (review)

Summer is just around the corner. In fact, in just a few days, the summer season will officially be underway. That means one thing: it is time for me to start reaching for those tanning products. I am quite pale and whenever I wear shorts in the summertime, there are often comments made about my neon or see-through legs. So, I do like to use gradual tanners when the weather starts to get hot. I've tried many over the years, but my go-to is normally the Jergens Natural Glow Daily Moisturizer. It is easy to use, looks great, and fades naturally. This summer? I have decided to branch out a bit and try the Hawaiian Tropic Aloha Glow Self-Tanning Milk. This every day gradual tanner was intriguing because I absolutely love Hawaiian Tropic sunscreens. They always smell so good. My hope was that the gradual tanner would have that classic Hawaiian Tropic scent...and deliver a gorgeous glowing tan. Wondering how this performs? How it compares to the Jergens Natural Glow Daily Moisturizer? Here is everything you need to know about the Hawaiian Tropic Aloha Glow Self-Tanning Milk.

Not all self-tanners are created equally. Some perform well and others leave you looking orange or streaky, no matter how careful you are during the application process. How does this Hawaiian Tropic version fare? There are certainly some pros and cons to consider. Before I dive into those, let's find out what the product claims are. According to the brand, this gradual tanner leaves behind a streak-free glow, is not-sticky, dries quickly, and nourishes the skin. It has Vitamin E and Aloe, is transfer resistant, and a coconut scent. Ready to dig into those pros and cons? Here goes...


  • The scent is exactly what you would expect it to be. If you've tried anything from Hawaiian Tropic, you know what this smells like. It has that fabulous coconut scent that just screams: summer. In terms of the scent itself, this is certainly more pleasant than any of the other gradual tanners that I've tried. 
  • The milk formula isn't too thick, the product is easy to apply to the skin, and this dries fairly quickly.
  • This is a fantastic gradual tanner for the face and arms. It doesn't irritate my face at all, which is a real bonus. (There are other tanners that I've tried that made my face itchy, even when they were designed specifically for use on the face). This gradual tanner also looks great on the arms and results a really natural looking finish
  • While this gradual tanner works well on the face, arms, and upper did not work well on my legs at all. I exfoliated carefully, used a tanning mitt during application, and applied extremely cautiously on the lower half of my body. Unfortunately, it still ended up leaving obvious streaks on my legs. Very frustrating! For comparison sake, the Jergens Natural Glow Daily Moisturizer delivers the same kind of tanned look, but doesn't create streaks or uneven patches on the skin. It just works better overall and will be what I continue to reach for this summer.

The good? The Hawaiian Tropic Aloha Glow Self-Tanning Milk smells good, nourishes the skin, and works well on the face and arms. The not-so-good? It does not perform well on the legs. At all. Such a letdown!

Have you tried the Hawaiian Tropic Aloha Glow Self-Tanning Milk? What is your favourite gradual tanner for summer?


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