Sunday, June 5, 2022

pros and cons: revlon colorstay day to night eyeshadow quad

Revlon is one of the most iconic drugstore makeup brands out there. No wonder it has been featured on Mansa Fashion. so many times over the years! Revlon is an absolute staple, and as a lover of drugstore products, it is always exciting to test out different products from the brand. Most recently, I decided to try out the ColorStay Day to Night Eyeshadow Quad in Stylish. It included four different eyeshadow shades, with a combination of finishes to choose from. This boasts 24-hour wear and a powder-cream hybrid formula, with eyeshadow that "goes on like a powder and stays on like a cream." Like the name suggests, this quad is also designed to take your look from day to night. Definitely a fun concept and the claims are impressive. Ready to find out how this performs? It is time to break it down into a good old-fashion pros and cons list. 


  • The ColorStay Day to Night Eyeshadow Quad in Stylish has a variety of finishes to choose from. That makes it possible to create a well-rounded makeup look, without needing to reach for another eyeshadow quad or palette. 
  • All of the eyeshadow shades have a soft and buttery consistency. They apply well, blend with ease, and are easy to use. The shadows are also richly pigmented. Especially that shimmer shade! It packs an impressive punch and looks absolutely fabulous all on its own. It is easily the standout shade.
  • There is a lighter, medium, and dark shade, as well as a shimmer. This is a very well-rounded eyeshadow quad and it is clear that a lot of thought was put into the shade selection. Every single colour counts!
  • On the back of the quad, there is a day look and a night look shown. When I first started using makeup, these little example images helped so much! That addition makes this a really beginner friendly product. 

  • While the formula is impressive and lasts well, it certainly does not live up to the 24-hour claim. In my opinion, it lasts the same amount of time as any other eyeshadow in my collection. There are signs of product breaking down or creasing (even with a good shadow primer) after about 10-hours. 
  • It is always disappointing when drugstore eyeshadows are not named in any sort of meaningful way. (I  hate this with high end products, too!) With this quad, the eyeshadow names are: 1, 2, 3, 4. Not exactly thrilling and it certainly doesn't add any sort of luxury or theme to the experience. 
  • The price. Oh, goodness. This is probably the most significant con for me. This eyeshadow quad costs $16 CDN. My makeup collection has a combination of high end and drugstore products, so I am not a stranger to more expensive items. That being said, $16 is quite a lot for a drugstore quad in standard plastic packaging. There are other drugstore options that are comparable in terms of quality and are much more affordable. (Wet n Wild, Essence, Revolution). There are also high end brands that are only slightly higher in price and offer cute themes and a more luxurious overall experience. So, price is definitely the most notable con to consider.

Want to see the ColorStay Day to Night Eyeshadow Quad in action? Take a look at a recent makeup look that I created...

So, is the ColorStay Day to Night Eyeshadow Quad a drugstore must have? Not so much. That isn't to say that the eyeshadow quad is not stellar. It is. However, the price point makes me hesitant to call it an outright must have item. There are certainly cheaper options at the drugstore that perform comparably. Ultimately, this comes down to your budget and what you feel a drugstore quad is worth. Though I really do enjoy these shadows and the shade selection, it is difficult to justify the cost.

For a better look at this palette and how it performs, be sure to check out my latest YouTube video for swatches and a review. The video is of course dedicated to this not-so-affordable drugstore quad from Revlon...

Have you tried the ColorStay Day to Night Eyeshadow Quad from Revlon? What did you think of it?


  1. The colours are really great and love your makeup :-D

  2. Nice pallete :) have a lovely week...

  3. Even though I find it a little bit expensive, I think the colours are beautiful and you created an amazing look ^^

    My blog - Lalabetterdayz

    1. It is definitely on the pricier side, but yes, the colours are so pretty!

  4. Beautiful palette and colors.

  5. Thanks for the honest review, Shannon (as always). That shimmer shade does look fab, but man, every time I check out Revlon at Shoppers, I'm always, like, "That' s the same price as the brands I see in Sephora!". I do love the Revlon products but I agree that the price, esp. for this quad, is pretty high.

    1. Right?! I'm glad it's not just me, because the prices are always REALLY high.

  6. I love those glasses too, they're so beautiful <3 Yes they're extraordinary =) I love Coke merchandise too, I have so many glasses :D

    Great post with nice review =) This eyeshadow palette looks beautiful, all four colours are perfect for summer especially the one with much glitter <3 I like your make up look, looks super cute.

    1. You can never go wrong with something that shimmers and shines!

  7. The shades are on your eyes really beauty!


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