Sunday, July 3, 2022

earrings haul (kate spade, hot topic, and more!)

It is no secret that I love a good pair of earrings. Quite frankly, there is a very good chance that I have too many pairs...but I love being able to choose the perfect set of earrings to compliment an outfit. I especially love fun earrings that are whimsical or express lots of personality. Though I may be shy by nature, my accessories are rarely quiet! I like them to stand out and express different parts of my personality. Recently, I shared some details about my fairly short trip to Niagara-On-The-Lake. While I was in that area, some shopping took place, and I somehow ended up buying a lot of earrings. It wasn't that I meant to come home with lots of earrings, it just seemed to work out that way. That is why today is a good old-fashioned haul. Ready to take a closer look at some earrings from Kate Spade, Glamour, Hot Topic, and Betsey Johnson? Keep reading...

Kate Spade Earrings. I love many different designers and many different stores, but just because I love them doesn't mean I can afford them. Thankfully, there are outlet shops. My mom and I spent some time at the Outlet Collection at Niagara, which happens to have a very lovely Kate Spade outlet. My dad treated my mom to lots of goodies there, but even at a discounted price, most of the items were a little too steep for me. Not to worry...the accessories were far more reasonable. I was able to purchase two sets of earrings for about $20 CDN each. One pair is large and sparkly and the other has the classic spade design with a shimmery opal finish inside. Both pairs are wonderful and add lots of fun, but also glamour, to any look. Love!

Fun Hot Topic Finds. I have a weak spot for Hot Topic. This is probably because I love band t-shirts, Funko Pops, and novelty items. It is rare for me to leave Hot Topic empty handed as a result. During the outlet mall visit, two earring sets came home with me. The first was a set of twelve different Harry Potter themed earrings. Since I am a Harry Potter fanatic, this was certainly exciting, since many of the designs were a little bit different to what I had seen available before. I will be honest...the Spectrespecs were really what sold me on this set. I just had to have them. As for the other set of earrings, this was my first time seeing Care Bears earrings at Hot Topic or anywhere for that matter! I've been a fan of the Care Bears since I was a child, so this brings out the nostalgia for me in the best possible way.  The character earrings are definitely my favourites, but I do love the oversized flower, heart, and cloud earrings as well. I think they will be a lot of fun to wear. 

Betsey Johnson Earrings. I have mentioned many times over the years that I am obsessed with Betsey Johnson designs. The fact that everything is fun, over the top, and whimsical makes me happy. Case in point? These goldfish earrings. These are shiny and pink one one side and are blue on the other side with the Betsey Johnson logo printed on top. My husband and I have a giant fish tank in our home and though he loves to have an assortment of fish...I love goldfish of all kinds. They are so cute! So, when I saw these goldfish shaped earrings for  $15 CDN, it was a no brainer. They were must haves. 

Glamour Niagara-On-The-Lake Earrings. While on our short trip, we did look at a few of the stores in Niagara-On-The-Lake. There were a lot of cute things, but it was this set of beaded earrings that caught my eye. These were about $20 CDN and are so perfectly 90s. I love that. In the past, I've mentioned my obsession with happy faces growing up...and it seems that the obsession has been fully reignited now. I love these flower earrings with the happy face in the middle. These are fun, colourful, and nostalgic. Plus, they are very different to the other earrings that are in my collection already. 

What do you think of this earrings haul? Have you added any new accessories to your collection lately?


  1. Oh my, the Harry Potter and Care Bear earrings are so cute! I love HP too!

    1. Thank you! Yes, I love themed earrings like that. So cute and fun!

  2. Cute earrings :) thanks for your sharing...

  3. What an awesome haul! They are such cute earrings! I love the Care Bears ones, Cotton On have a new Care Bear collab in Australia and I'm so tempted to get something from the range - I had a Care Bear as a kid!

    Hope you had a good weekend :)

    Away From The Blue

    1. Thank you! Oh, that sounds like such a fun collaboration. I totally understand being tempted by that!

  4. Yes I want to have a summer full of memories =) Thanks a lot, I'm doing my best. But this week won't be so sporty because ok wednesday I go to cinema and on thursday I go to an event :D
    This event was really wonderful and interesting =) Oh yes I love those products, so good quality.

    Great haul with cute jewellery.
    I like the first earrings and the ones with the pink fishes <3 And smileys are always nice.

    1. Thank you! It is always nice to have fun accessories!

  5. Nice haul. There are some amazing earrings :-D

    I love my band tshirts too. I have soooo many. And if I cannot find an album, I tend to get it printed on a tshirt. One I got printed arrived today....Sparks - Kimono My House - one of my favourite albums and album covers <3

    1. Oh, I love that! You should definitely share some pictures of your band t-shirt collection. So so cool :D

    2. I might just do that on my photo blog. I also have a few tshirts that I got printed of some obscure lyrics from some of my favourite songs! I wore one a few weeks ago and an older guy smiled - he musta have know it haha! It was from an older song.

  6. I love all your haul! I haven't been to Niagara-on-the-Lake for ages and methinks it's time go back soon:) Love the Kate Spade earrings...and like you, am also a huge Hot Topic shopper:) That's the only store where I get consistently good service as well. That HP-themed earrings....also love!
    PS Belated Happy Canada Day:)

    1. Yes, it was nice to go after such a long time. Ha! Yes, Hot Topic is the best. I love it there. Thank you! I hope you had a great Canada Day!

  7. wonderful haul! I absolutely Kate Spade as a brand and the earrings are very pretty but my eyes are on Harry Potter set all the time, I need it in my life

    1. Totally agree! Kate Spade is such a great brand. I love that everything is super classy, but the designs are also really fun! Ha! I am such a huge Harry Potter fan, so I totally understand.


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