Tuesday, July 12, 2022

review: abh norvina mini pro pigment palette vol. 1

Sometimes, life calls for a little colour. The summer season is well underway and I have been reaching for more colourful beauty products as a result. I don't know why, but all of the sunshine makes me a little more open to bright and bold makeup looks. Perhaps that is the reason the Anastasia Beverly Hills Norvina Mini Pro Pigment Palette Vol. 1 has been in heavy rotation lately. I keep coming back to it over and over again! This small but mighty eyeshadow palette has lots of colourful shadows to choose from. There are even some shimmers thrown into the mix. Want to take a peek inside? Check out my latest summer inspired makeup look? Here is everything you need to know about this ABH Norvina Collection mini palette. 

Talk about colourful! The Anastasia Beverly Hills Norvina Mini Pro Pigment Palette Vol. 1 has nine eyeshadow shades in total. There are both metallics and mattes, which means it is possible to create a colourful and vibrant makeup look with a combination of finishes. I love that. There are also light, medium, and dark colour to choose from, which makes this bright mini palette fairly cohesive and versatile. I don't feel like I need to bring in other eyeshadow shades or palettes to complete a look. The shade selection seems very thoughtful and it is possible to create something that is wearable or more over the top, depending on your own personal preferences. As for the quality of the actual shadows? Wow. These are very bold, ultra pigmented, and really make an impression. If you are looking for something that is understated or needs to be built up...this is not going to be the palette for you. The shadows are very bold and colourful. 

The palette packaging is really cute as well. I love the black and white design on the front with the gold lettering. It is simple, but effective. The compact size makes this a great little palette to take on a summer vacation to throw in your purse. The only thing that I do not love about this high end eyeshadow palette is the fact that this is a combination of eyeshadows and pressed pigments. Pressed pigments are not considered eye safe in certain parts of the world, but are considered safe in other parts of the world. The reason? They can cause irritation and can stain the skin. So, it is really your call whether that is something you feel comfortable using around the eye area. I haven't had any issues in the past (aside from some temporary staining) but it really is a personal preference. That being said, the colours are beautiful and I really have been enjoying this palette. 

Ready to see this Anastasia Beverly Hills eyeshadow palette in action? Below is a recent summer makeup look that I created using the pink and coral colours included in the Anastasia Beverly Hills Norvina Mini Pro Pigment Palette Vol. 1.

What do you think of this summer makeup look? Have you tried this eyeshadow palette?


  1. Great palette shades. I like the magenta pink one!
    I always love your new makeup products!

  2. Such a fab look! You look gorgeous as always:) I love this palette, and like you said....look at all these colourful shades! I am seriously in love with all the colours, and love the packaging to boot. Thanks for featuring this:)

    1. This is definitely the time to have a little fun with colour! :D

  3. Very beautiful colors palette.


    1. For sure! There are so many great colours to choose from!

  4. Gorgeous colours and makeup :-D

  5. Absolutely yummie, this drink is so delicious <3 I will drink it a lot this summer.
    This dress is really cute and comfortable for sleeping =)

    Great review =) This mini palette looks pretty cute, I like those colours - the pink and violet shades are my favourites. Your make up look is perfect for summer, love it <3

    1. Yes, it's such a fun and colourful little palette!

  6. Oh yes it does and this palette is FIRE. Such fun colors. I may have to check it out. You created a great look here.

    Leanne Thompson of

  7. absolutely love it! all in for bright colors and fun! You did a great job using it too! SO cute!

    1. Thank you so much! It's definitely exciting to incorporate a little colour into my makeup looks!


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