Thursday, July 14, 2022

testing the elf say goodbye to shine mini kit.

When it comes to skin care, sometimes your need shift from one season to another. I have dry and somewhat sensitive skin in general...but once the summer season arrives, my nose becomes an oil producing factory. I have no idea exactly why this happens, but it does, and it can be difficult to control the shine and minimize the appearance of pores. Thankfully, the Elf Say Goodbye to Shine Mini Kit was on sale at my local drugstore recently. There was one product in particular that caught my eye, so it seemed worthwhile to try out some of these products during the warmer summer months. Ready to take a closer look inside? Find out how these oil control products performed? Here is everything you need to know about this skin care set. 

The Elf Say Goodbye to Shine Mini Kit is on the Elf website for $19 CDN, but it was on sale at my local drugstore for $9. Definitely a better price! So, if you are able to find it at a discount, that is certainly preferable. This set includes three different products, including the Oil Control Pink Powder Mask, Oil Control Pore Minimizing Serum, and the Oil Control Liquid Lotion. According to the brand, these products include niacinamide (to minimize appearance of pores), tea tree oil (to soothe and clarify the skin), and willow bark extract (to minimize shine and excess oil on the skin). The products are also cruelty free and vegan as well, which is wonderful. The packaging is simple, but really aesthetically pleasing, so I do like that aspect of the set as well. These are mini sized items, which makes it possible to test them out without fully committing to a full-sized item. 

Oil Control Pink Powder Mask. This mask is certainly unique. It is a powder mask that is designed to tackle oily areas of the face. It has niacinamide and kaolin clay, and apparently, the full-sized version comes with a little brush to make application easier. Unfortunately, this mini sized version does not come with a brush, so to use the mask, I tap a bit of powder onto my hand and add a few drops of water. Then, the mask is applied to my nose, because that is where I am oily during the summer. This is an interesting mask and certainly a bit different. However, I find it a little messy to use since there is no brush included. This mask is not my favourite, but it does make my nose less shiny. At least there is that! 

Oil Control Liquid Lotion. The next item included in the skin care set is a lotion that claims to provide a long-lasting matte finish. It is designed for oily and combination skin and is intended to hydrate the skin and balance oil. This Oil Control Liquid Lotion has a scent that is not overly pleasant, but it is not unpleasant enough that I would skip using it altogether. This is really easy to apply, but it does take time to feel like it has fully absorbed into the skin. In my experience, it takes about 20-30 minutes to feel completely absorbed and for the scent to fade. I haven't noticed any dramatic results, but hopefully over time, this will continue to address the area of my face that is oily during the summer months. 

Oil Control Pore Minimizing Serum. Now for the product that actually made me want to purchase this set in the first place. The Oil Control Pore Minimizing Serum claims to be a lightweight serum that will control excess oil and minimize the appearance of pores. It contains niacinamide, willow bark extract, and tea tree oil. As I mentioned, my skin is very dry in general, but once the summer rolls around, my nose (and only my nose) becomes very oily. I don't know if it has to do with the heat or the sunscreen that I use, but whatever the reason, it is an issue. The pores on my nose are always noticeable, but become more obvious during the summer months. So, I hoped this serum would be a welcome addition to my skin care routine. This is easy to apply to my trouble spot. It only take a few seconds and dries fairly quickly. I haven't noticed any change in my pores, but my nose is certainly looking less shiny and oily so far this summer. Out of everything, this is the product that I feel best about. Here is hoping my pores will be minimized the more I use it...and that this serum will continue to cut down on the shine. 

Have you tried any of the Elf skin care products? What did you think of them?


  1. I have heard of ELF but never tried them!

  2. Oh yes it was a really great time in the cinema. That was so crazy, we thought it was just a bottle but it was the whole glass from the bar :D Tasty treats are always nice.

    Great review =) I heard much about Elf Cosmetics, it's a pretty nice brand. This products sounds nice, I would try them too. The serum sounds interesting =)

    1. Yes, they have some good items to choose from, for sure!

  3. Always have been one of the best brands. Great review!

  4. Boa tarde minha querida amiga. Os produtos parecem maravilhosos.


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