Sunday, August 7, 2022

charmed aroma review and reveal: masquerade bath bomb

Leyland bombs are not exactly my favourite. The reason is pretty simple: I don't find sitting in a tub with lots of bubbles and fizz to be relaxing. That being said, I know many people who love taking luxurious baths with all the dressings. For those people, the Charmed Aroma Masquerade Leyland Bomb would be ideal. For me? It was all about digging out the hidden treasure inside. This was a free little add on and so it only made sense to see what the ring inside would look like. It is always hard for me to resist cute accessories...especially when there is the added surprise. You never know what you are going to get. That is a little unnerving but also somewhat exciting. Some Charmed Aroma products have had incredible rings inside and others have been a little so-so. But I suppose that is the fun of it! Ready to find out more about the Masquerade Leyland Bomb from Charmed Aroma? Here is everything you need to know about the bath bomb and the accessory inside.

This Masquerade Leyland Bomb from Charmed Aroma looks really adorable. I love the gorgeous colours and the fact that there is a glittery golden colour on the eyes of the masks. So nicely themed! Obviously, I can't speak to how this actually fizzes and dissolves in the water, but I can talk about the scent. This had a really strong and soapy scent. However, according to the brand, this has "juicy raspberry, peony blossom, and sandalwood." Being honest? It smelled like the kind of strong soap my grandma used to have in her apartment. It's not that it's unpleasant necessarily, but it isn't what I would choose. As for the accessory inside, I had absolutely no idea what to expect. I was pretty open to just about anything. Take a look....

Ta da! There are some things that I love about this ring and some things that I am not as into. Let's start with what I do not love about the ring inside of the Masquerade Leyland Bomb: the shape of the design. It is a rounded triangle type of shape that is a little unusual. Not quite what I am used to and certainly different from anything else in my jewellery box. That being said, I just don't love the shape. On the plus side, the stone in the center is gorgeous. It is a bright blue and has these stunning flecks of shimmer and shine. The stone is so gorgeous! In fact, I love the stone so much that I find myself wearing this ring despite the shape. That sparkly blue is just so mesmerizing. After getting this ring appraised on the Charmed Aroma website, it has a value of $20 CDN. Not too bad. Certainly not the highest appraisal that I have ever had, but the amount seemed about right. 

All in all, this was not the best Charmed Aroma experience that I have had. That's okay, though! I really do love that gorgeous blue stone and find myself very drawn to it. The colour is gorgeous and the sparkle makes this ring feel really special. 

Have you tried anything from Charmed Aroma? What do you think of this ring design?


  1. Although they usually do look good and smell divine, I'm not a big fan of bath bombs. The ring is cute, though, I love the sparkly stone! xxx

    1. I know what you mean! The ring stone is super pretty!

  2. Hello dear!
    Interesting brand, unfortunately I don't know it. Lovely ring :) I do not use such bath bombs, or I use them very rarely. However, they always interest me :)
    Greetings from Poland!

    1. I only learned about the brand a few years ago when my friend gifted me a candle. Since then, I've been able to try lots of different items from Charmed Aroma. It's a really fun concept!

  3. I love bath bombs too!
    Never tried this brand but sounds nice, and the ring looks so cute! :)

    1. The stone on the ring is definitely super pretty! Thank you for your comment!

  4. Thanks a lot, I love my new pieces too <3 Oh yes the pyjama is pretty cute, my soulmate has a good taste :D
    Thank you =) I had a really wonderful time <3 I danced a lot and slept just a few hours :D

    Cute bath bomb =) It sounds interesting but it's sad that it smells like a soap from grandma :D

    1. Ha! Yes, that is unfortunate, but it happens! Thank you <3

    2. Yes you're right =)

      Thanks a lot my dear =) It was really nice to dance the whole weekend <3 You're absolutely right, perfect to switch off the stress. The storm was crazy but it was much fun to party in the tent :D


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