Saturday, August 27, 2022

cloud 2.0 (review and comparison)

There are a lot of Ariana Grande perfumes in my collection these days. Honestly? I love them. Her fragrances tend to be sweet and often smell like candy and marshmallow. As someone who loves sweet scents, Ariana Grande perfumes tend to be right up my alley. Recently, my mom gifted me her latest release, Cloud 2.0. Since one of my absolute favourite Ariana scents is the original Cloud...this was especially thrilling. Ready to find out more about this perfume and how it compares to the original? Here is everything you need to know about the latest celebrity fragrance on the market.

First thing is first...the bottle. This has a similar look to the original Cloud perfume. Cloud had a white cloud-shaped base with a baby blue bottle and lid. It is soft, pretty, and aesthetically pleasing. Cloud 2.0 is all about contrast. It has a dark navy cloud-shaped base, a white bottle, and a clear cloud-shaped lid. The change in colours is nice, because not only does it make it easy to tell the difference between the original and the 2.0 version, but it also speaks to the differences in scents. The original Cloud is sugary sweet. It is light and reminds me of cotton candy. As for Cloud 2.0, this version is called Intense for a reason. It takes everything from the original and intensifies it. From the darker bottle design to the shift in scent....this is kicked up a notch. 

So, what is the difference between Cloud and Cloud 2.0? Beyond the bottle design and colour scheme, the new scent is far more intense. It is described as stronger and warmer than the original. Apparently there are additional notes in this version as well, which include ambroxan and cashmere. Those additions were intended to make the overall scent stronger and have more of an amber undertone. It's amazing what a few extra ingredients can do! To me, the difference between the two is that Cloud smells like cotton candy and Cloud 2.0 smells more sophisticated. It is still sweet, but the warmth makes it better suited to an evening event. A day out with friends? Cloud. A dinner out with friends? Cloud 2.0. I love both versions, but love the warmth and depth of Cloud 2.0. In fact, I might like it just a little bit more than the original. Which is hard to believe! 

The original Cloud is incredible. The new version, Cloud 2.0, is even more incredible. It is warm, inviting, but still smells sweet and fun. It is an absolute must. Ariana Grande has some wonderful fragrances, but Cloud 2.0 is a new favourite for me. 

Have you tried Cloud 2.0? Are you a fan of Ariana Grande fragrances?


  1. Boa tarde e um ótimo sábado com muita paz e saúde. Os perfumes parece ser maravilhosos. Obrigado pela dica.

    1. Yes, it is a wonderful perfume! Thank you so much for stopping by!

  2. What a gorgeously packaged perfume! xxx

    1. Yes, it is really pretty! A lot of the Ariana Grande perfumes have fun bottle holders.

  3. Very beautiful bottle perfum.

    1. For sure. The bottle holder is so pretty! Thank you for stopping by!

  4. This event was really great, it was so informative =) Yes foot baths are so relaxing but I don't use them often :D But it's pretty important, that's right.
    The festival was so much fun =) But the rain was not that nice, we were so wet after it :D Thank you, I hope that too because we want to do some trips there where rain would be annoying :D

    Great review =) I like Ariane a lot, she's a talented singer and so beautiful. Her perfumes are also great, I want to buy one in the future.

  5. That's great to know her perfume line is great! Thanks so much for these reviews, Shannon. I have yet to try the Paris Hilton line but that's also on my radar due to your reviews:) Now, I'm adding this one too.
    Hope you had a fab weekend, and here's to a great Monday. XOXO

    1. Of course! It's always nice to find good perfumes!

  6. I need to go and try them! I trust your opinion and I never really had a chance to 'taste' it

  7. I don't know the perfume but love that bottle :-D

  8. I've heard lots of good things about Ariana Grande perfumes, and I love the sound of Cloud 2.0, it seems like something I'd love. What a great comparison xx

    Hannah |

    1. It's definitely a great fragrance and the packaging is super cute!


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