Saturday, August 13, 2022

first impressions: cover girl exhibitionist stretch and strengthen

An awful lot of mascaras have come into my life over the years. Some have been wonderful and others have been...not nearly as wonderful. Out of all of them, The Super Sizer mascara from Cover Girl has been an absolute standout. It has become my holy grail mascara and is the one that I purchase over and over again. It just works! So, when it comes to Cover Girl mascaras, I am always open to trying something new from the brand, just to see how it compares to my all-time favourite. The Cover Girl Exhibitionist Stretch and Strengthen Mascara is designed to lengthen and strengthen the lashes. How does it perform? And how does it compare to The Super Sizer? Here are my first impressions of this drugstore mascara. 

According to the brand, the Exhibitionist Stretch and Strengthen Mascara is "infused with Peptides, Biotin, and Pro-Vitamin B5 for a lash extension effect." It claims to lengthen the lashes, strengthen the lashes, last for 24-hours, and infuse the lashes with volume (thanks to coconut and jojoba oils). The mascara is also supposed to be flake and smudge free. Plus, it is cruelty free! The brush is described as "Christmas tree-shaped," which makes me happy, simply for the fact that I am a Christmas addict. In reality, this doesn't look all that different to other mascara wands. It is wider at the bottom and tapers every so slightly towards the top. It isn't exactly a dramatic Christmas tree shape, but there is a difference between the top and bottom of the brush. There are a few different options for the mascara: very black, black, black brown, and water resistant. I have the very black version (not water resistant), because I like ultra dramatic lashes that create as much contrast as possible. 

As for my first impressions, they are mixed. While the Exhibitionist Stretch and Strengthen Mascara has some strengths, it also has some weaknesses to consider. What I like about this mascara is that it adds a lot of length. A dramatic amount of length! This is wonderful if you are someone who loves ultra long lashes but doesn't want to shell out a ton of money to achieve the look. The downside? This mascara can become clumpy. The first coat was fine, but the second coat created some clumps that needed to be removed. If you don't mind a clumpier lash, then this won't be an issue at all. If you want something that looks more natural but still adds that length, leave it at one coat of mascara. Something to keep in mind? This mascara says that it is non-irritating and suitable for contact lens wearers. That being said, there is a slight scent to the product. It doesn't fully irritate my eyes like some others have, but the scent is not ideal for me. (I am a contact lens wearer and tend to be sensitive to mascaras with scents!) All in all, I like that the mascara adds lots of length and can create a dramatic finish. It's not a new favourite, and I likely would not repurchase, but it is something that I can use up with ease. 

First Impression Rating: 2.5 / 5 

Have you tried the Exhibitionist Stretch and Strengthen mascara from Cover Girl? What did you think of it?


  1. I have only ever used Barry M Mascara and got it free with a big nail polish purchase!

    1. Oh, fun! There is nothing better than free makeup!

  2. Replies
    1. It is a good one. Cover Girl has a lot of excellent products, especially their eyeshadows.


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