Sunday, August 21, 2022

testing out a friends themed eyeshadow palette.

This is not my first time testing out Friends themed makeup products. In fact, there was a collection from Revolution previously (which contained some seriously stellar items). It seems that Mad Beauty has also decided to release some items inspired by the iconic television show. According to the Mad Beauty website, there are bath products, lip balms, face masks, and even an eyeshadow palette. Since eyeshadow is easily my favourite beauty related, it only made sense to see how the palette performed. Curious about this product? It is time to take a look inside this Friends Eyeshadow Palette from Mad Beauty. 

Right off the bat, there are some pros and cons to consider here. Some pros? This has really cute packaging with a mirror on the front, recognizable Friends symbols, and a pull out tab on the side that reveals the eyeshadows. This Friends Eyeshadow Palette also comes with an eyeshadow brush. Definitely a nice detail! The brush is excellent as well. It is really densely packed and is ideal for shadows and glitters. As for the cons? Unlike the Revolution x Friends eyeshadow palette (which you can see here) there are no shade names and the colours are a lot more basic. The Revolution palette had a lot of colours that were very clearly inspired by the show. For instance, the purple door colour and a yellow to represent the frame. The Mad Beauty version is all about warm neutrals. There is nothing wrong with that, but this doesn't feel like a Friends-specific eyeshadow palette. Without the outer packaging, this could be any ordinary release. Quite doesn't feel themed enough. 

The eyeshadows themselves are decent. They have a nice amount of colour payoff, especially the shimmer shades. The shimmers are creamy, pigmented, and pack a punch. The mattes are look good and blend well. Honestly, the real issue is the shade selection. Many of the eyeshadows look so similar. There are five different white and cream shadows. Since they all look so similar when applied to the lid, it seems pointless to include that many. Especially when there are no dark colours to create a little more versatility. I do like the coral colours included in this palette and have created some nice looks with those. I just wish there were less cream colours. If those were removed, there would be ample room to add in a dark colour and even something bright and fun. This palette could be excellent, but it falls a little flat, because of the repetition and colour story. 

For the above look, it was all about the shimmers. I started with the warmest matte brown and worked it through the crease. Then it was the darkest shimmer on the outer portion of the lid, the medium shimmer in the center, and the lightest shimmer on the inner third. A little bit of the white eyeshadow shade was used to blend everything out. The end result was nice and wearable. Though I like this palette and think it is a good option for those everyday sorts of looks, I do wish the makeup itself was themed. After all, it is a Friends Eyeshadow Palette! I also wish that the colour story was a little more well-rounded. 

Rating: 3 / 5

Have you tried anything from Mad Beauty? Do you own any television show themed makeup?


  1. The look is amazing, I love it! And I agree, the Revolution palette looked more Friends-related palette with its colours ^^

    1. Thank you! Yes, that Revolution palette was so creative and well thought out.

  2. Yes it was really nice to do our traditional shopping on this holiday <3 :D We had a really good time. Oh yes wasps are so annoying. Today a wesp stung in my arm while I'm only walking without any sweets on me. Oh yes the Barbie earrings are so cute <3 =)
    The Brownie bars are so delicious <3 If they are available in the stores I will buy some more of them :D Thank you.
    This is absolutely nice and perfect for concerts and festivals =) It worked so good to take quick pictures while dancing ^^

    Great review =) This eyeshadow palette looks beautiful, the colours are perfect for everyday =) I like your look a lot, it's so cute.

    1. So glad the brownie bars were good! They definitely looked delicious. And thank you! I like the way the look turned out :)

    2. Oh yes absolutely delicious =) You're welcome <3

      It's still hurting a lot, I hate wasps =( Thanks I hope it stops soon, I can't sleep with this pain :D

  3. I love the packaging but it's a shame the shades aren't more themed. You did create such an awesome look with the colours though! :)

    Hope you had a great weekend! We had a really fun one.

    Away From The Blue

    1. It really is! Friends is so iconic and any makeup related to the show should be too!

  4. I'm always being seduced by palettes whether they're themed or not, which is a bit silly really as I'm always using the same shades. Not very adventurous in that department, I'm afraid :-) I'm loving the look you created here, though! xxx

    1. Oh, me too! They are my greatest weakness! Thank you <3

  5. It looks gorgeous! I like it very much.

  6. What a beautiful palette and look :)

  7. Love the EOTD you did with this palette, Shannon! Looking gorgeous as always:) The palette does look great but I totally see what you mean about the colour repetition. Many colours do look similar, which is really weird. Good to know the quality is at least goo. BTW, have you been to the Friends exhibit at Yorkdale Mall? Was there the other day and saw it, but we didn't bother going in though.

    1. Aww thank you! I haven't gone yet, but my friends booked a timeslot for November, I believe. So that will be a future experience!

  8. Oh wow I knew about the Revolution collab but not with this brand how cool! It looks like a decent palette but yes a wee bit frustrating not more dark colors and more versatile. But you did a great job with the look here!

    Leanne Thompson of


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