Sunday, September 25, 2022

kim chic chic beauty: teddy kim boyfriend (review + #FOTD)

It is all Kim Chi Chic Beauty all the time around here these days. I have been making the absolute most of the products lately. Just like the Girlfriend version, the Teddy Kim Boyfriend Eye and Cheek Palette comes in an adorable teddy bear shape. It is sturdy enough to stand up on its own and can be customized with the included stickers. Unlike the other version, this has some really bright and colourful eyeshadows hidden away inside. (Which is definitely what I would expect from a drag queen makeup line!) I love that both of the palettes from this line have distinct colour stories. Ready to see what this palette actually looks like? How I decorated it? A recent #FOTD? Keep reading for all the details on this oh-so-cute eye and cheek palette. 

Though the previous palette favoured matte shadows and warm neutrals, the Teddy Kim Boyfriend Eye and Cheek Palette has a little more drama...and lots of shimmer. There are pinks, coral colours, some blues, and a glittery purple. There is a lot more glitter and shimmer here than in the Girlfriend version. That being said, there are still a couple of matte shades to create contrast. This has the same layout as the other palette. Though it is cute, it isn't necessarily the best layout, because some of the pans are smaller than others. But it is still possible to use all of the eyeshadow shades inside! There are some standout shadows in here (the coral colours, the deep pink, and the champagne coloured shimmers) and a few that fall flat (the gold glitter and the purple glitter). It's not that the glitters aren't nice, but they need to be layered on top of another shadow and can't necessarily be worn alone. They are more like shadow toppers than standalone glitter eyeshadows. 

Then there are the cheek products. Like the other palette, there are two blushes and two highlights. There is a really soft pink and a pink-coral for the blushes. The soft pink is very light and doesn't make much of an impact worn alone. However, it has a nice finish and looks nice layered over top of the other blush. As for the highlights, these are gorgeous. There is a champagne shade and a gold. Both offer an awful lot of shimmer and shine. They are pigmented, bold, and pair well with a lot of different makeup looks. I personally love a gold highlight, so I know that one will be getting a lot of use. 

For this #FOTD, it was all about those beautiful pink and coral colours. They looked much bolder in person than in the photos, but all in all, I do like the way this look turned out. I used the light pink shade through the crease, then applied the shimmery coral all over the lid. The deep matte pink was used to deepen the outer corner and then the shimmery champagne colour was applied underneath the brow and on the inner corner. The lower lash line had the medium matte brown and a more of that shimmery coral. A bit of mascara and eyeliner added even more drama. I used the light pink blush on the cheeks with a bit of the gold highlight. The High Key Gloss in Natural was used once more on the lips to complete the look. 

Now, for a little bit of bonus content. I mentioned previously that these palettes came with a sheet of stickers so the teddy bears could be decorated and personalized. I thought it might be fun to show you all how I decided to decorate my own Teddy Kim Boyfriend and Teddy Kim Girlfriend palettes. It made me feel like a kid again, adding stickers to these playful palettes. 

Though I have only tried a few items from Kim Chi Chic Beauty, my first impressions are positive. The concept behind the teddy bear palettes is genius and there are some really stellar shadows inside. I absolutely adore the gloss that I tried as well. Here is hoping that I will be able to try out some more Kim Chi Chic Beauty items in the future. 

Have you tried anything from Kim Chi Chic Beauty? What do you think of this teddy bear themed palette?


  1. Omg!! The teddy bears are just so cute, I want one now hahaha
    I love the fact that you can decorate the way you want with stickers. By the way, orange looks amazing on you, and it is the perfect color for fall
    Lovely post, as always
    Kisses from

    1. Haha, right? The teddy bear design is adorable! I love that you can decorate it, too. Such a fun little detail <3

  2. These are just the cutest palettes and it's nice that they have so many different shades inside and both eyeshadow and gloss! You created such a pretty sparkly look with them and I really like how you decorated them with the stickers too :)

    Hope you had a lovely weekend :)

    Away From The Blue

    1. Thank you! These palettes are super cute and definitely stand out from the others in my collection!

  3. The teddy bear eyeshadow palette looks pretty, and the teddy bear shape is adorable!
    I have never tried anything from Kim Chi Chic Beauty.
    I do not know whether Kim Chi Chic Beauty glitter eyeshadows were available decades ago when I was going out in full drag, but I am sure I would have wanted to try them (and would if I ever start going out in full drag again}. Long, long, long ago I liked wearing Stagelight brand glitter eyeshadow in Peacock Blue. There are some old photos of me in full drag in this blog post--->
    The Kim Chic Chic Beauty glitter eyeshadows look very pretty.
    Your eye makeup and lipstick came out looking very pretty after your application of the pink, shimmery champagne, coral and gold colours - a beautiful FOTD! xx

    1. Oh my gosh, I love the drag photos! You should definitely try going out in full drag again. I looked up the Stagelight shadow in Peacock Blue and it looks like it was gorgeous! Definitely a great colour to have.

  4. Thank you, I'm really happy about that =) I love chocolate drinks so I hope this one is yummie. Yes I hope that too, I want to try strawberry as well :D

    Great review =) This products look so cute. I like the stickers and the colours of the palette are so nice. Your make up look is pretty as always =)

    1. Thank you, I hope they are excellent as well =)
      Oh yes it was a really great show =) The atmosphere was amazing and I know all of the lyrics after so many years :D We had a really good time.

    2. Thank you! Yes, the palettes are super fun and I love the stickers!

      Oh, I'm so glad. It sounds like the concert was an absolute blast.

  5. The case is so cute, and I love the color palette. :)

  6. It looks sooo cutee, i love it 😍 thanks for sharing 😊

  7. Never got to try these palettes but they are so lovely and the result is fantastic. I am sure that your make-up skills are well responsible of the result but the colors and the way they shine is fabulous. Thank you for sharing this descovery with us.

    1. I love a good shimmer shadow and luckily, these are super shimmery! Thank you so much for your comment <3

  8. This one is gorgeous too and love the colours. Great makeup :-D

  9. Very beautiful palette colors.

  10. Ooh la la, what a beautiful palette. And yet again: You created a gorgeous look with it :)


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