Thursday, September 15, 2022

love it or leave it? olivia wilde

There is something thrilling about red carpet style. Whether it is a movie premiere or a press conference, celebrities certainly know how to inspire and turn heads. Case in point? Olivia Wilde at the Venice Film Festival press conference for her latest film, "Don't Worry Darling." Though there has been an awful lot of buzz about this movie, some good and some not-so-good, I am interested in seeing the film. There aren't nearly enough female directors out there. (According to a Forbes article, only 12% of directors working on the top 100 grossing films in 2022 were women.) So, this movie is on my radar. While reading some of the highlights from the press conference with the cast, I was immediately struck by Olivia Wilde's outfit, which was shown in the article. That gorgeous green colour. Wow! After seeing the entire look, it was clear that this was the perfect candidate for another love it or leave it? post here on Mansa Fashion. Let's take a closer look at this press conference style...

What I Love: Oh, there is a lot to love. That shade of green looks absolutely spectacular on Olivia. I love the thick material on the jacket and the long skirt, the classic cut, and the statement buttons. The length of the skirt is also beautiful and the pockets are perfectly placed. Oddly enough, I even love the black bra top underneath the jacket. It doesn't match the classic and clean-cut vibe of the jacket and skirt...and that is kind of what I love about it. There is this wonderful clash of styles taking place. It is old meets new in a really unexpected and daring way. Olivia's hair and makeup look gorgeous and classic. Then there are the sparkly ear piercings as well. I love that she blends elegant and edgy together as part of this press conference look. 

What I Loathe: Two words: the boots. The boots! Oh, how I wish she had chosen anything else. The thick and clunky black boots are not my favourite part of this press conference look. A little peek of ankle would created a wonderful contrast (just like the contrast between the bra top and the thick conservative jacket). It just makes the bottom portion of the look really heavy, since there is already a long skirt made from a thick material. The tall leather boots are just too much.

Overall, this look was pretty solid. Though there were some aspects that I did not love (mainly the heavy boots)...there was an awful lot to love. So, love it or leave it? I will give this a soft love. The good certainly outweighs any of the negatives. 


  1. this green suit reminded me a bit of the early 2000s :)

  2. This drinks sound really great, I love the level Up Bubble Gum <3 =) And the Protein Coffee was also nice. Thanks a lot we had a big delay at the beginning but then it was a nice trip <3
    Thanks =) We had a pretty nice time on Rhodes and I catched up my sleep aber 41 hours :D

    I like Olivia Wilde, she was one of my favourite characters in "O. C., Californa" and "Dr. House". The colour of her outfit is pretty nice, I like it a lot and the boots look beautiful too. She has a nice style =)

    1. Oh my gosh, I loved her on The OC. I want to do a rewatch of that soon!

  3. Bom dia minha querida amiga. Obrigado pela dica. Bom final de semana.

  4. I like the green jacket and skirt that Olivia Wilde wears-- the buttons make it like it, because it reminds me of jackets I like to wear.

    1. The jacket and skirt are so classic. I love those pieces!

  5. I love this colour and the outfit but I agree with you, these boots don't go that well with the rest of the outfit. She looks very tired, I had troubles recognizing her, I hope she's ok! Have a nice weekend!

    1. For sure! It's too bad, because the rest of the outfit is so cool.

  6. It looks okay. I liked her in House!

    1. I haven't seen that show, but I remember my husband used to watch it!

  7. Fair enough! She has been in a lot of great shows and movies!


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