Monday, September 19, 2022

review: harry potter love potion candle (charmed aroma)

Harry Potter has been a constant in my life. I have such wonderful memories of lining up for book releases and midnight screenings of the movies. Of staying up too late reading and re-reading the books. Of relaxing on a Sunday afternoon with my favourite Harry Potter film. Though the author is not someone I support any longer, I still love the Harry Potter world. (It is hard to believe that someone who wrote about love and understanding could be know.) The stories were about good versus evil, confronting your fears, and doing the right thing. They were about friendship, found family, and love. It makes sense that these stories have connected with so many readers and viewers around the world. Since Harry Potter is still an important part of my life, it was hard to resist the latest Charmed Aroma release: a Love Potion Candle. 

According to Charmed Aroma, the Love Potion Candle is inspired by amortentia from the Harry Potter novels, also known as "the most powerful love potion in the world." Unlike other Charmed Aroma candles, where there is a surprise necklace, ring, earring set, or bracelet tucked away inside, this time you know what you are getting right from the start. It comes with a Love Portion Locket and a small jar of Love Magic Scented Beads. Basically, you burn the candle, unveil the locket, and fill the locket with some of the scented beads. It means you can carry the love potion scent with you wherever you go. So, not only is there the super adorable Love Potion candle (which will absolutely be incorporated into my Harry Potter themed shelf) but the locket and scent beads. This set was too cute to resist. It was a little bit different from the other Charmed Aroma releases as well. 

As for the scent, this is described as "tropical fruit, vanilla, amber, and a hint of musk." Charmed Aroma also threw in a bit of Harry Potter lore and stated that the legend says the love potion smells different to everyone who smells it, reminding each person of who they find most attractive. That was such a cute little nod to the books! Personally, this smells just as described to me. It is very light and fresh. It is sweet but not too sweet and has an uplifting quality to it. The fragrances they chose were well thought out and really went with the theme. After the last Charmed Aroma candle that I burned, the Alice in Wonderland one, it was such a relief to actually really enjoy the scent. Especially since the scented beads smell the same. 

The necklace itself is beautiful. It has a heart shaped design with the little bottle stopper on top and a metal tassel hanging off the side. It says Love Potion in the center and there are pink sparkly jewels all over the front. There is a clasp on the side. Once you open the locket, that is when you can put the little scent beads inside. I love this because it means you can carry that refreshing fragrance around with you. Such a fun idea and a great detail. My only concern is that one day, I will run out of the scent beads, and there won't be a way to buy any others, since this is a limited edition release. Who knows? Maybe Charmed Aroma will sell other scents that can be added into the necklace. At least the necklace is beautiful all on its own.  

This is one my all-time favourite Charmed Aroma releases. I love the Love Potion candle design, the scent itself, the beautiful sparkly Love Potion necklace, and the scented beads. The concept is original and everything was really well themed. 

What do you think of this candle? Are you a fan of Charmed Aroma or Harry Potter?


  1. This candle is so cool- perfect git for all HP fans

    1. It is definitely a really wonderful item for Harry Potter fans!

  2. This is such a cute idea and the scent sounds so beautiful! I love Harry Potter too! xx

  3. That's so awesome to hear that not only is the necklace lovely (totally digging the scent beads concept), the Love Potion smells lovely to boot:) After that Alice glue scent, that's great that you got a winner this time, Shannon! I also am a big HP fan, and have read the whole series a few times. Also love the movies:D

    1. Ha, yes! I was very relieved that the scent was so great! Harry Potter is such a great series.

  4. Oh yes this conditinor sounds pretty nice =) My mother will enjoy it.

    Great review =) This candle looks so cute <3 Perfect decoration. Yes it's always sad when a candle scent is limited and I love it :D The necklace is so beautiful =)

    1. Oh, for sure. I just love the scent and the necklace.

  5. Hello. :) I want to follow you. My blog account;
    I'll be very happy if you would like to follow me too. :)

    1. Oh, that is very kind! I really appreciate the support. <3

  6. This looks so cute and sounds nice :-D

  7. I will see if I can find this for a friend of mine who would be Super Happy to receive it as a gift :)

    1. Oh, wonderful! It is definitely great for Harry Potter fans!


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