Friday, September 9, 2022

revisited review: morphe x coca cola awe together artistry palette

Sometimes, it is nice to look back instead of looking forward. Even though photographs of the latest holiday makeup collections have been released recently (Really! Brands like Too Faced and Benefit have already shared images of their Christmas collections for the year) is nice to focus on the products that are already in my collection. One of my resolutions was to buy less makeup and use more of what I already own. Which is why it only makes sense to do a little revisited review here on Mansa Fashion. The Morphe x Coca Cola Awe Together Artistry Palette is a favourite of mine. I have used it many, many, many times over the last year. Since this is a standout product and is still available on the Sephora website, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to share my thoughts on this stellar 1971 themed eyeshadow palette.

This is a palette that elevates neutrals. There are lots of browns to choose from (chocolate brown, medium brown, reddish brown, and suede) in a variety of finishes. Then there are peaches and coral colours, cream colours, and even a dazzling gold. On top of that? There are lots of beautiful earthy colours thrown into the mix. There is a reason this Coca Cola inspired eyeshadow palette stands out from so many others in my makeup collection. It really has it all! There are light, medium, and dark shadows to choose from. There are also matte and shimmer finishes as well as a holographic eyeshadow. This has versatility and then some. Despite the range this palette has, all of the eyeshadows are really easy to wear. There are some brighter colours (orange-coral colour, Total Unity, is a good example) included in the palette, but they are warm and pair well with the neutrals. This makes it possible to create makeup looks that are interesting but still quick and easy to pull together. 

The quality of the shadows is impressive. The mattes are so easy to work with and the shimmers create such a beautiful finish. To create the #FOTD look above, I started with a little bit of Join Hands (warm brown) through the crease and then used Warm Fuzzies (reddish brown) on the outer portion of the lid. A bit of Iconic Italy (chocolate brown) was used to deepen the outer corner. Then it was time to add lots of shimmer to the look. There was some Perfect Harmony (golden brown shimmer) and Lovey Dovey (white shimmer with gold) to finish off this matte and shimmer makeup look. Iconic Italy and Warm Fuzzies were applied along the lower lash line to tie it all together. These shadows are highly pigmented, easy to work with, and create effortlessly stunning makeup looks. Yes, there is a reason the Morphe x Coca Cola Awe Together Artistry Palette stands out in my collection. It is wonderful. If you love neutrals, but still want to have fun with your makeup looks, this is a solid choice. 

Have you tried the Morphe x Coca Cola Awe Together Artistry Palette? What are your favourite eyeshadow palettes?


  1. I enjoyed reading your review of the makeup kit. :) And your makeup looks awesome.

  2. I'm always drawn to eyeshadow palettes, but have learned to restrain myself, as I always end up using the same colours! Loving this one very much, though! xxx

    1. Ha! I am like that too sometimes. I have to remember to branch out and get out of my makeup rut! (Which usually involves warm neutral eyeshadow shades.)


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