Thursday, September 1, 2022

september tries its best to have us forget summer.

There is something special about the month of September. It holds so much promise. There are the last moments of the summer season to enjoy as well as the earliest moments of the fall season. It represents endings and beginnings in the best possible way. Even though the fall season doesn't officially begin until September 22nd, once this month rolls around, my mind immediately shifts to autumn mode. This is probably because summer is my least favourite season. I know most people adore summer, but my favourite times of year are: fall, winter, spring, and summer. In that order! I love sweater weather, family traditions, and the cooler temperatures that are often associated with the fall season. Since fall is quickly approaching, it made sense to celebrate the start of the new season with some September inspirations and a few fall tag questions...

Now for a few September and fall themed TAG questions to start the month off right. Feel free to answer these themed questions on your own blog or in the comment section below. I would love to hear all of your answers. 

What tells you that the fall season has begun? I suppose it should be the date on the calendar, but for me, it is the sudden desire to wear cozy sweaters, watch Halloweentown movies, and light lots of pumpkin scented candles.

What do you like and dislike about September? Well, I like that the fall season officially begins at the end of the month. I like cooler temperatures, turning off the air conditioner, fall decor around my home, and that cozy feeling that only fall can bring. I dislike the fact that summer is not officially over until the 22nd and that the leaves haven't started to turn colour yet. 

What is your go-to autumn outfit? Sweaters, sweaters, and more sweaters! I don't care if they are sweatshirts or knitted sweaters...all are welcome. There is nothing better than a pair of jeans and a comfortable sweater. 

Do you have any specific traditions to celebrate the fall season? Yes and no. There are a lot of birthdays in my family during the fall season (mine, my husband, my brother, my sister, my dad, my mother in law) so it is a busy time of year for that reason alone. Another tradition that I like includes decorating with fall candles, mini scarecrows, and other fall themed items. 

Favourite Autumn Scent? Easy...pumpkin! I really love pumpkin scented candles, pumpkin spice muffins, and pumpkin everything. It's funny, because I never used to like pumpkin, but now I am totally obsessed. I have lots of pumpkin candles in my home currently. There is everything from pumpkin patch to pumpkin vanilla, pumpkin spice, and pumpkin cupcake. Fall is all about that delicious pumpkin scent. It just makes the world feel warmer and more inviting. 

Are you excited about the start of September? What is your favourite season?


  1. September is like the continuation of the summer season, in here...

    1. The summer season is winding down! I am happy about that, because fall is such a special time. I hope you enjoy the last part of the summer season <3

  2. Lubię wrzesień :) Liczę jeszcze na pogodne dni.

  3. To me September means Hallowe'en is coming. Had my first Pumpkin Spiced Latte today <3 <3

    1. Yes! I've already started watching Halloween movies, haha. Oh yum! Pumpkin spice is always a good idea <3

  4. Thanks a lot, that's really sad =( But sometimes life is different than expected. Thank you <3 Yes I love this shirt, I love the colours and the Hippie Look :D <3
    This cream worked really well =) That's absolutely right. Thank you, my week is good expect that our Hamburg trip is cancelled. I hope your week is going well too <3

    Great post =) September is one of my favourite months, autumn is coming, we have a funfair in our town and I buy my first advent calendars <3 :D

    1. Oh, that sounds like so much fun! I'm glad you have exciting things to look forward to <3

  5. Fall is my favorite season too, and I love the tag questions I might answer them sometime on my blog. :)

  6. I apologise in advance for the length and verbosity of this comment (answering the tag questions+more), and due to it's length I'll totally understand if you decide not to publish it. :-/
    Answers to tag questions:
    1) I tend to be lazy and just go by my calendar to know when the fall season has begun, although I do take notice of it when leaves turn pretty colours and starting to fall, and of when the temperatures start to drop.
    2a) What I like about September:
    The mostly moderate temperatures that still allow for wearing very little clothing.
    2b) What I most dislike about September: The occasional hurricanes.
    3) My go-to autumn outfit (one of them): A turtleneck and bib-overalls (with who knows what styled underneath) with coats, gloves, wide-brim hat or umbrella as required.
    4) My specific traditions to celebrate the fall season September are a combination of procrastinating, bookkeeping, paying bills, and reading other bloggers posts on Halloween and Samhain.
    5) My favourite autumn scents are apple pie, pumpkin spice, cinnamon sugar, coffee, and hot chocolate.
    Re: the start of September, I am somewhat relieved that most of the remaining days of summer will most likely not be quite so broiling hot as some of them were. I do not have air conditioning.
    My favourite seasons (in order) are:
    1st: Spring (especially early May). I love seeing the flowers blooming, everything turning green, and all the birds, chipmunks, squirrels and bunny rabbits (and deer), followed by:
    2nd: Fall (especially late September), then;
    3rd: Summer (at least lounging in my undies is more comfortable in summer);
    4th: Winter is the season I most dread - I have a fear of freezing during power outages whilst snowed in, not to mention the bills for home heating oil. I take notice of how fat the squirrels get in trying to guess how cold the winter might be.
    Best wishes for your September!!!!!! xx

    1. Oh, I LOVE that you answered the questions! Of course I want to publish this. It is always so lovely when the leaves start to turn colours. I love your favourite autumn scents. Totally approve of those! Anything that smells warm and seasonal is perfect. I understand why you wouldn't like winter as much. Power outages and lots of snow can be really scary.

      Thank you for answering all of the questions. It made me smile! I hope you have a great September <3

  7. These are such lovely autumn photos! We don't really have a proper autumn season here in Brisbane where the leaves turn brown or anything, haha! September is the start of spring here so I'm doing the opposite to you - starting to get excited about ditching the layers! :)

    Hope you are having a good weekend :)

    Away From The Blue

    1. I'm glad you're excited about the change of season where you are as well! It is definitely a nice feeling when you don't always have to layer anymore! Have a great weekend <3

  8. I love Autumn, and in particular September, which is my favourite month of the year. And no, it's not just because it's my birthday month :-) As mentioned, September holds so many promises, and it always feels like new beginnings to me! xxx

    1. September definitely holds a lot of promises...and bonus that it is your birthday month! How wonderful!


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