Monday, October 24, 2022

hey, it's good to be back home again.

Long time no see! After a little over a week away, things are finally getting back on track here at Mansa Fashion. In case you missed my last post, my family and I took a vacation to California recently. It was my first time leaving the country since the pandemic, so it was certainly a memorable experience. There will be more on that in the days to come. I'll be sharing travel photos and highlights some time next week. For now? I am trying to unpack, get caught up on life, and celebrate my birthday. Yes, today is my birthday. Our flight got in late last night, and even though there was only a three hour time difference, the jet lag is real. I am not exactly in a celebratory mood, but it is my birthday nonetheless.

This has been mentioned on my blog before, but I have long been a birthday brat. Since I'm a twin and have always shared my birthday, celebrations with friends used to be extremely important to me. I liked having a dinner or a party that was all my own. In recent years, I have calmed down somewhat and don't tend to do too much for my birthday. (Though there is always a family dinner involved.) This year, it will be more low key than ever! I have a general rule that I do not work on my birthday, but since I literally just got back from vacation last night, I have to break that rule this year. Alas! There is so much to catch up on. But at least there will still be a birthday dinner tonight. It will be short and sweet, but hopefully memorable.

Since today is my birthday, and I am still a bit of a birthday brat at heart, I thought it would be fun to answer a few birthday tag questions. There were a bunch found here but I just picked a few. Be sure to bookmark that page so you can answer the 25 Questions Birthday TAG questions yourself when your birthday rolls around! Now to answer a few of the questions...

Are you a Morning or Night Person? I am not exactly a morning person (because it always feels really difficult to pull myself out of bed when the covers are nice and cozy) but my day goes better when I have an earlier start. So, I suppose I am more of a morning person out of necessity. There is always lots to get done and I like to check off all the items on my to do list! 

Introvert of Extrovert? Definitely an introvert. I have always really struggled in social situations and am painfully shy by nature. I like to stay at home and have lots of time to myself. Though I wish I was bold and outgoing, it just isn't me.

Tidy or Messy? I really like when things are clean and organized, but that doesn't come naturally for me. Growing up, my bedroom was always a total disaster. I was beyond messy. However, once I moved out, that changed a bit. I do take pride in my home and try to keep it as clean as possible. The real struggle is the fact that I have a lot of stuff and that can make things look cluttered, even when the room is clean. I've been actively working on buying less, appreciating more, and decluttering.

Favourite Books? Oh, how I love to read. Though I don't always have as much time to read as I would like (I would like to read all the time, please and thank you) is a really important part of my life. There are so many favourite books on my shelf, but the standouts are "There Are Survivors" by Jane MacSporran and Michael Cuccione, "I Think I Love You" by Allison Pearson, "Princess In Love" by Meg Cabot, and "Northanger Abbey" by Jane Austen. There are so many excellent books out there!

What is Your Height? I am 5'8 and am actually the shortest person in my family! 

Favourite Movies? I love movies a lot. So many of them are comfort watches for me and I have a lot of favourites. Some of the ones that come to mind are 2Ge+ther (such an important part of my life and one of my favourite bands also), Annie (this is my ultimate comfort watch and it is my go-to whenever I am sick, sad, or feeling low), The Santa Clause (I watch this all year round and it always makes me feel safe), and Moana (my favourite Disney movie). Obsessed with all of them!

What is Your Dream House Like? Oh, the hours I have spent dreaming about a house of my own. It is something that my husband and I have been saving for...but the housing market where we live is not ideal. It feels so discouraging to save and plan and see the timeline shifted back over and over again. But, in a perfect world, my dream house has white columns in the front and enough space to hold all of our stuff comfortably. I want something that is ours instead of something that we rent. 

A Favourite Birthday Memory? There have been so many wonderful birthdays over the years. I feel lucky to have been able to celebrate all of them with my immediate family, my friends, and loved ones. It really is a blessing! Though this particular birthday is a little unconventional, it has been nice to take a moment and reflect on previous birthday celebrations. There have been nights out with friends, theatre performances, trips to the zoo, dinners, and homemade birthday cakes. There isn't just one memory that stands out among the is just a sense of gratitude that I have experienced all of this love in my life.

Is there anything you're looking forward to right now? Travel plans? Holidays? Share your answers in the comment section!


  1. Happy birthday Shannon! Can't wait to hear all about your holiday, but I am definitely hearing you on the jetlag. I've even got it when I've been to the UK, and there's only an hour's difference between the UK and Belgium! xxx

    1. Thank you! It's amazing how just a little time change can make such a difference!

  2. Happy birthday:) it's nice to know you ...

  3. Welcome back, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!
    Those birthday cake photos are amazing!

    My answers to the birthday questions tag (not numbered):
    I am a night bird, an introvert, messy, The Constitution of the England, 6 feet 0.25 inches, Love Actually, a waterfront ranch with picture windows and sweeping views, long long ago getting my birthday spanks from my then girlfriend :D

    I hope your birthday dinner and desert are healthful and delicious,
    and I hope all of your birthday wishes come true!
    All the best! xx

    1. Thank you so much! You always leave the nicest comments! Love that you shared your answers. are so tall! And Love Actually is such a good movie <3

  4. Oooo excited to see your travel photos. I too am an introvert and I am also tidy and I am also 5' 8" or close to it!

    Leanne Thompson of

    1. They should be posted in the next couple of days! Yay, thank you for sharing your answers to the questions!

  5. Happy Birthday Shannon! I hope you had a wonderful day and night too! I love these Q&A's, I will need to do one too at some point, it is a great way to get to know bloggers! I am looking forward to all your holiday photos xx

    1. Thank you so much! I would definitely love to read your Q&A answers! <3

  6. Happy Birthday.....yesterday? Hope you have a great year, all year! Just found your blog today. I'm a 5'8 introvert too. We need a club!

    1. Thank you so much! Ha, we definitely need a club!

  7. Happy Birthday, sweetie!!!
    I'm an extrovert of 1,70 cm, tho!^^
    Anyway can't wait to see the pics of your travel!

  8. Happy happy birthday, Shannon! Here's to a wonderful year ahead:) XOXO
    And can't wait to hear about your California trip! I bet you had a wonderful time.
    PS I'm also a morning person out of necessity:D

    1. Aww thank you so much! I will be posting about it shortly! <3


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