Sunday, October 16, 2022

one/size + disney fantasia week: storybook face and eye palette

Here it is! The last post in the One/Size theme week here on Mansa Fashion. Over the past few days, there have been reviews dedicated to eyeliner, brushes, highlighter, and even some lip products. Today? It is all about the eyes and cheeks. Though there are lots of wonderful beauty products out there, eyeshadow palettes are always the standouts for me. I love a good palette! I especially love a palette with a cute theme. Right off the bat, the Storybook Mickey Face and Eye Palette checks off an awful lot of boxes. It is clear that a lot of thought went into the packaging and overall design. Ready to take a look inside? Here is everything you need to know about this Disney Fantasia inspired product from One/Size.

First thing is first. Let’s take a minute to talk about the packaging. It certainly lives up to the storybook name. This palette is book sized and unfolds to reveal the makeup and mirror inside. On the front of the palette, there are beloved Disney characters and Fantasia themed designs. The navy and silver design seen on other items in the collection is carried through here as well. It looks gorgeous in person. When you open the book, there is a mirror on one side and the makeup on the other side. The mirror is no ordinary mirror. Like many other items in this collection, it has an unexpected magical quality. 

As you can see from the first photo, there is a Mickey Mouse cartoon in the corner and a mirror in the center. When you lift the tab, there is a pop-up Mickey Mouse (and the magical brooms, which I have long been obsessed with). It says, Reach for the Stars on the top. In the base, it says, “Makeup is a One Size Fits All. Disney’s magic has always inspired me to dream big. I hope this collection inspires you to reach for the stars.” Then there is the Patrick Starrr signature at the bottom. Not only do I love the pop-up Mickey Mouse, but the inspirational message inside makes this palette feel extra special.

Now for the makeup itself. There are two Shooting Star Transformers (which are essentially sparkly overlays), four eyeshadow shades (two shimmers and two mattes), two Full Impact Matte Blushes, and two Hyper Sheen Blushes. I like that there is a nice amount of variety in terms of the products. I also love the warm and wearable colour story. The transformers are beautiful and can be worn alone, on top of shadows, or even as a highlight. I personally love wearing these as highlights instead because they are super sparkly. The first shade, Oh Boy, is a shimmery white. The second shade, Yensid, is a dazzling purple-blue. It is absolutely incredible. Yensid is a really unique colour and has such an unforgettable finish.

Moving onto the next row, there are the four eyeshadow shades. The first, Dream, is a pink iridescent shade, Classical is a warm shimmery bronze, Broomstick is a warm suede, and D Minor is a purple-brown. Dream, Classical and Broomstick are all beautiful and perform well. However, D Minor doesn’t have as much impact as I would like. Though it looks like a deep and rich colour in the pan, when you actually apply it to the eyes, it doesn’t add a ton of depth. You really need to build up the colour to see the payoff. Since this is the only darker eyeshadow shade included in the palette, it is especially disappointing that the pigmentation isn’t there. It means that in order to create something smokey, an outside eyeshadow may need to be pulled in. 

Now for the blushes. All I can say is wow. These are richly pigmented. If you are someone with deeper skin, I would highly recommend checking out the One/Size blushes. Not only are they best suited to deeper skin tones but the colour payoff is intense. Even just a small dab into the pan results in an awful lot of colour! Since these are really too dark for me (I tried to make them work but the end result was not ideal)…I have been using them as eyeshadow shades instead. Symphony is a really beautiful peachy matte and Orchestra is a rich burgundy. The Hyper Sheen blushes on the bottom row are smooth and shimmery. Intermission is a coral-peach and Finale is a shimmery burgundy. The latter would actually be ideal for the holidays.

Not all of the products are being used in the way they were intended…but all of the products are being used. I think that is the most important thing! The look below made use of all the eyeshadow shades and the blush, Orchestra, was used extremely sparingly on the cheeks. I applied the blush carefully and blended out with foundation so the look wouldn't be too intense. 

The Storybook Face and Eye Palette has an awful lot to love. The packaging is cute, the theme is perfection, and the products are high quality. All in all, these One/Size products from the Disney Fantasia collection were outstanding. Though there were items that I enjoyed more than others, One/Size is a brand that stands out. 

Now for a little life and blog update. There will be a brief pause on posts here on Mansa Fashion. while I am away on vacation. Yes, you read that right: vacation. As I have mentioned previously, my family is very much a Disney family. So, my parents booked a trip to Disneyland. Despite my anxiety related to COVID, travel, and husband and I will be heading to California and will be joining my parents and brother on a little getaway. Regular posts will resume next week. And I will be sure to share all of the travel highlights here after settling back into my normal routine.

What did you think of the One/Size collection? Will you try any of these Disney Fantasia products?


  1. This palette is so gorgeous and so fun! Perfect for the Disney fan! I hope you have a lovely time away at Disneyland and aren't feeling too anxious xx

    1. Absolutely! It has such a lovely design and lots of pretty warm colours. Thank you so much <3

  2. These palettes do look gorgeous, and how fabulous is their packing! xxx

    1. The packaging is so pretty! Plus, anything with Disney is automatically wonderful!

  3. I agree with you on the packaging, its lovely

  4. Beautiful palette !

  5. Wonderful colours and love your makeup :-D

  6. The packaging for it looks very cool, and I love the color palettes. :)

  7. Very beautiful palette colors.

  8. These palettes are so beautiful. Love the look you created :)

    Shoot for the stars | ☆ ☆ ☆ | Facebook page | ☆ ☆ ☆ | Instagram


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