Saturday, November 26, 2022

current obsession: ariana grande cloud holiday gift set

Who can resist a holiday gift set? Not me. There is something so thrilling about seeing items you love perfectly packaged. Not too long ago, my husband was out and about and saw the Ariana Grande Cloud Holiday Gift Set on display. He snapped a photo and sent it to me. Honestly? It was love at first look. Lucky for me, he decided to treat me to the Ariana Grande gift set. Since then, all of the items inside have been put to good use. Ready to take a look inside the set? Find out what was so intriguing about the seasonal release? Here is everything you need to know about this celebrity perfume set.

The Ariana Grande Cloud Holiday Gift Set was intriguing for a few reasons. The first being that Cloud is one of my all-time favourite Ariana Grande scents. It is sweet, warm, and inviting. I absolutely love it. (For a review of Cloud and a comparison to Cloud 2.0 be sure to check out this post.) The actual perfume is wonderful and so is the bottle. The second thing that called me to this particular set was the tin case that everything came in. As you can see from the first photo in this post, the Cloud set came in a sizable tin container that was designed to look like a cassette tape. How amazing is that?! Music is such a huge part of my life and I still listen to cassette tapes, so this was thrilling. I love the design and the soft blue colour. The fact that this tin could be repurposed is something that made me smile. A lot of holiday sets come in recyclable cardboard packaging. The tin here was like a bonus item. It is currently in my home office, where it stores my extra notebooks and stationary supplies. 

Inside the holiday set, there were three items in addition to the cassette tape inspired tin. This included the Ariana Grande Cloud Eau de Parfum (3.4 ounces), the Ariana Grande Cloud Parfum (0.25 ounces), and the Ariana Grande Cloud Leyland and Shower Gel (2.5 ounces). Essentially, this means there was a full-sized version of Cloud (with that gorgeous blue bottle and white cloud holder) and a mini version as well. I actually took the mini version with me when my family went to California last month. It was the ideal travel size. Plus, the mini still looked super cute and maintained that fun cloud inspired design. Then there was the bath and shower gel. I love this. It has an ornament inspired design that is so fun and festive. Also, this body wash smells incredible. I wish the Ariana Grande Cloud Leyland and Shower Gel was sold separately so it was something I could use regularly. Alas, this set came with a fairly small amount. However, it is something that I will happily continue to use. 

It is no secret that this Ariana Grande Cloud Holiday Gift Set has been making me happy lately. It is a total obsession. I love the fabulously fun cassette tape inspired tin, the Cloud perfume and mini, and the amazing ornament shaped bath and shower gel. Everything in this set wowed. Thank goodness for the holiday season...and fabulous perfume.

Have you tried Cloud from Ariana Grande? Will you pick up any holiday sets this year?


  1. I loved this set great for new year gift... Thanks for your sharing...

  2. Looks so cute. I like it too. :))
    Thanks for sharing..

  3. I haven't smelled this scent before but I am loving the packaging! It's really cute and like you I think the tin is awesome!

    Hope you are having a great weekend! We went to a fun pool party yesterday :)

    1. It is a great scent and the packaging is super cute. Thank you! The pool party sounds like it was a lot of fun :D

  4. Donno this one but love packing :-D

  5. Oh yes love holiday gift sets! Brings back fond memories and this looks and sounds great!

    Leanne Thompson of

    1. Yes, exactly! They make the holiday season feel extra special.

  6. I don't know the scent, but it looks intriguing. :)


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