Wednesday, November 16, 2022

skin care week: burt's bees hydrating facial towelettes.

It is time for another skin care related post here on Mansa Fashion. The last post was dedicated to a regimen set from Mission Luxereve, but today, it is all about Burt's Bees. Despite this brand receiving a lot of praise from beauty lovers, my experience with their products has been inconsistent at best. A lot of the items that I've tried have not been great. At all. However, I keep hoping that there will be something that wows. Since I was looking for some new face wipes (and these were on sale)...the Burt's Bees Hydrating Facial Towelettes with Watermelon came home with me. So, how did they perform? 

In short...not well. When it comes to face wipes, makeup removing wipes, and cleansing wipes, there have been some hits and misses over the years. Some perform better than others. As for the Burt's Bees wipes? These are some of the worst that I have ever tried. Sigh! To start, it is important to consider the brand claims. According to Burt's Bees, the Hydrating Facial Towelettes in Watermelon are made from repurposed cotton left over from making t-shirts. I'll be honest: I love this. The concept is fantastic and I think it is wonderful that materials are being repurposed in such a creative way. The brand also claims that these are pre-moistened towels with nutrient-rich botanicals. The wipes are designed to remove makeup, dirt, and oil from the skin. Burt's Bees states that these work on all skin types, leave your skin soft and clean, and are formulated without parabens, phthalates, SLS, or petrolatum. There is also supposed to be a refreshing scent, with "a light summer fruit scent that refreshes body and mind with a hint of fresh and juicy watermelon." There are a lot of claims, but this does not exactly deliver.

The Burt's Bees Hydrating Facial Towelettes with Watermelon fail in a lot of different ways. Though I love the idea of the repurposed cotton, the towels look unpleasant. There are some sections with yellow marks and some with cotton fuzz. That being said, this is an aesthetic issue, and not necessarily a functional issue. Unfortunately, there are also functional issues. These are not very moist, do not remove mascara or makeup well (after use, I still needed to go in with another cleanser), and do not leave my skin feeling smooth. The worst part? These stink. Oh my goodness, do they smell awful. I love watermelon inspired items and watermelon scented items. Despite the claim, these do not smell like watermelon and the scent is anything but light. It is overwhelming, sickening, and it lingers for ages. Though I am determined to finish this pack of wipes so that I am not wasteful....I really dislike them. They don't look good, don't work well, and don't smell good. What is the point? 

All in all, the Burt's Bees Hydrating Facial Towelettes with Watermelon were a total dud for me. These wipes did meet expectations and are not something that I would ever even consider repurchasing. Not even on sale! 

Have you tried these face wipes? Are you a fan of Burt's Bees products?


  1. I am sad to read that you had a bad experience. I like to use wet napkins to remove makeup but when the scent is awful, I give up on them. Hope your next experience will be better.

    1. Absolutely! It's so difficult when the scent isn't good.

  2. I have never tried such a product but I thought Burts Bees was a really good brand? Peope rave about it over here!

    1. I thought so too! I always hear good things from other people, but everything I've tried has just not worked for me. :(

  3. What a shame these did not live up to expectations at all. I've been using a drugstore's own brand for many years! xxx

  4. I like that it's reusing cotton but they do not sound like a nice product at all, they sound so frustrating so I understand why you wouldn't repurchase! What a shame.

    Hope you are having a lovely day :)

    1. Yes, the concept was so great, but these didn't work well at all. So annoying!

  5. I follow your blog, please take me back follow. Thank you soo much dear! :)
    Leave a comment on my last post.

    1. Thank you so much for the support! Following you <3


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