Wednesday, December 7, 2022

i'm just a vintage soul this christmas.

Sometimes, there is beauty in looking back. I find myself drawn to all things retro and vintage these days...especially now that the holiday season is underway. Maybe I have rose coloured glasses for a time that I never experienced. Or perhaps there is comfort in knowing how it all turned out. Honestly, there is so much uncertainty these days that looking back has become a lovely form of escapism. Though decades of the past held their own troubles, fears, and uncertainties, the haze of nostalgia makes it all seem so warm and simple. I am holding onto that feeling! As a result, several retro inspired holiday items have made their way into my home lately. Take a peek at some of those decor pieces and enjoy a little old-school inspiration.

Retro Inspired Holiday Decor Pieces

As you can see from the photo living room table is currently displaying some retro inspired pieces. There are others elsewhere, but I wanted some of the smaller items all in one spot. Many of these are newer purchases. The plastic gingerbread man lights up and came from Walmart. So did the little paper house (which I am completely obsessed with), the deer, and the little deer cup. The porcelain snowman with the Christmas tree is actually a Hallmark ornament. So is the sparkly snowman angel. The retro pink radio, Santa Claus mug with a Christmas hat, and the Santa's Workshop sign were all from Bronner's Christmas Wonderland. The sparkly little Santa Claus is an ornament from the dollar store. Lastly, there is the retro Santa in the gold frame. I bought the frame from the dollar store and cut out a piece of retro style wrapping paper that I fell in love with. This little collection of holiday inspired retro pieces fills my heart with joy. I love to see these beautiful items each day. 

Retro Inspiration Images For the Season

It was the middle of summer. Even though I was wearing shorts and a tank top...I somehow stumbled upon a Vintage Christmas page on social media. Well, I promptly fell down the rabbit hole. Before long, I was saving old-school Christmas images to my computer. I was searching for images elsewhere. I was dreaming of a retro little Christmas! Since the holiday season is finally here, it only made sense to share a few of these beautiful pictures on Mansa Fashion. There are many more that I adore (and many more that are saved on my computer) but these are a few of my absolute favourites. 

Retro, vintage, old-school...whatever you want to call it...there is something magical about holidays past. These decor pieces and seasonal images have been bringing lots of happiness into my life lately. Fingers crossed they do the same for you. 

What do you think of this retro holiday post? Do you like this seasonal style?


  1. Aww, what a lovely read, Shannon. As a vintage soul, I totally get your obsession, and I found myself nodding in agreement at your post introduction. I too often hanker for a time I didn't experience first hand and find comfort in anything nostalgic. And there's nothing wrong with a bit of escapism, particularly at this time of year! xxx

    1. It is amazing how comforting it can feel! You are so right...sometimes a little escapism is needed!

  2. I loved details :) thanks for your sharing...

  3. I enjoy the vintage look too :-D

  4. The vintage look is so cool, I love the vintage illustrations.

  5. This is so cute. I like all.... kisses

  6. How beautiful are these retro-style Christmas cards?! I love this atmosphere.

  7. Thanks a lot <3 I really had an incredible time on the cruise <3 :D

    Nice post with retro christmas stuff. I like the seasonal style too <3

    1. Oh, I am so glad to hear that! Can't wait to read all about the cruise. And thank you so much!

  8. I'ts beginning to look a lot like cocktails... I absolutely love it :D


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