Thursday, December 1, 2022

leave a little sparkle wherever you go.

December is here! Nothing could make me happier. It is no secret that I adore the holiday season. The lights, the food, the movies, the music, the decorations, the time spent with loved ones...everything. Yes, I love absolutely everything about this month. In order to welcome in December properly, it made sense to share a little bit of seasonal inspiration here on Mansa Fashion. Check out some holiday inspired photos and quotes below. As for what you can expect here over the next several weeks? There will be some seasonal favourites, current obsessions, revisited holiday makeup reviews, seasonal nail looks, movie musts, as well as a handful of high-end and drugstore Christmas makeup looks. This is sure to be a month to remember, both online and offline. On that note, here is a little December inspiration to start the month off right.

What are you looking forward to most this month? How will you welcome in December?


  1. I love December spirit :) thanks for your sharing...

  2. Thanks =) I love the colour too, I'm pretty happy to decorate my tree this weekend <3 :D
    Oh yes I do my best to have a nice christmas season <3 Advent calendars are so much fun, you start your day with a big smile on your face :D They started very well and today was nice too.

    I love December too, it's so beautiful with all the lights outside, the delicious cookies we bake and all the joy for presents <3 :D I like the nail art from the picture, pretty cute.

  3. I loooove this period too (and despite I don't like so much winter season, since I hate cold, rain and wind)!
    But until Jan i't's all merry and bright to me!^^
    In fact I've just rushed on decorating my home and my Xmas tree those last days to fully enjoy the atmosphere all the month long!
    Beautiful pics collection!

    1. Yes! I'm the same way. Before Christmas? I love the snow. After Christmas? It all feels so cold out! I'm glad you've done lots of decorating lately!

  4. I do love Winter and the month of December, although admittedly I'm not crazy about Christmas. Still looking forward to putting up the tree, which I'll probably do next weekend, and spending some quality time with my little family as I've got the week between Christmas and New Year off! I'm looking forward to seeing your festive posts to get me into the mood! xxx

    1. I do hope you enjoy putting up the tree and spending time with loved ones! :D

  5. Lots of great Christmas inspiration, thanks for sharing! I need to step it up a bit here - we haven't decorated yet as I was working last weekend, but after our annual family Santa photo this year we are going to get all the decorations out and it's sure to feel more like Christmas - although the boys are already feeling festive and waking up super early to check their advent calendar each day, haha!

    Hope you have a good weekend ahead of you!

    1. It can be so busy at this time of year, so making time to decorate can be tough. I love that you do an annual Santa family photo. That is so fun! And advent calendars definitely help, too.

  6. I love the new year spirit. I feel it brings happiness and peace. Have a good weekend :)

    1. It really does! Such a perfect way to describe it!

  7. Hello Darling how are you? December has arrived, the most magical month of the year

    1. I'm doing well. I hope you are, too! Definitely the most magical time of year <3


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