Thursday, December 15, 2022

review: too faced yummy gummy limited edition makeup set

Limited edition holiday releases tend to be whimsical. The latest limited edition makeup set from Too Faced certainly meets that criteria and then some. This brand is known for adorable packaging and this is all about gummy bears. In the past, there have been peach scented products, cinnamon bear themed items, and everything in between. That is what I love about Too Faced: the brand seems to remember that the makeup should be fun. There are lots and lots of brands out there that focus on classic colours and understated packaging. Too Faced adds some much needed colour and theming to the mix. Ready to find out how the Yummy Gummy Limited Edition Makeup Set performs? See what is included? Here are all the details.

Talk about adorable! There is a lot to love about the Yummy Gummy Limited Edition Makeup Set from Too Faced. It retails for approximately $55 CDN and is available currently online and at Sephora. There was another holiday set from Too Faced released this year, the Bake Shop Makeup Set. It was themed around an oven and different seasonal cookies. Honestly? I really wanted that one as well. The theme was so cute. However, a lot of the eyeshadow shades were colours that were already in my collection. It was not a practical purchase, which was the reason the Yummy Gummy set won out. This particular limited edition set came with three different items: an eyeshadow and blush palette, lip gloss, and makeup bag. All themed around gummy bears, of course. It is time to take a closer look at each of the items and find out how each one stacks up. 

I Want Candy Makeup Bag. Something that I love about Too Faced holiday sets are all of the fun extras. It's rarely just an eyeshadow palette. There is usually a small mascara, lip product, or makeup bag included as well. (Check out an example of that here.) For the Yummy Gummy Limited Edition Makeup Set, there was a fabulous makeup bag included with the set. The bag is a soft pink with colourful gummy bears printed all over the front and back. It has a heart-shaped metal gold zipper pull on the top and the material is silicone. Though there are lots of cloth makeup bags in my collection (which are great for travel) this silicone one is fantastic for carrying products that might leak. For instance, shower gels, foundations, and shampoos. It is a really functional item for travel and I love that it is so cute as well. This is definitely a great item to have on hand. 

Lip Injection Lip Balm in Yummy Bear. The Too Faced Lip Injection products are well known. There are all sorts of plumpers and balms included in their line. As part of the Yummy Gummy Limited Edition Makeup Set, there was the Lip Injection Lip Balm in the shade Yummy Bear. As you can see from the photo, this is a shimmery pink product with a gummy bear print on the lid. Though it looks quite bright and bold in the tube, it is a soft and shimmery pink. Nothing too over the top! This is scented and smells a bit like watermelon. The lip balm looks really pretty on the lips and adds a nice amount of shine, but since this is part of the Lip Injection line, it does have that stinging, tingling kind of feeling. Not my favourite feeling in the world!

Yummy Gummy Eyeshadow and Blush Palette. It is no secret that eyeshadow is a favourite. I love all eyeshadows a little too much. For me, they are the best way to have fun with colour and finish. Thankfully, the Yummy Gummy Eyeshadow and Blush Palette has a lot of colour and some really fantastic finishes to choose from. This palette is fabulous, because it is really versatile. There is a matte blending shade, matte crease shade, some colourful matte and metallic shades, and a dark shadow to top it all off. It is possible to create a lot of different looks using this palette. Sweet Tooth (shimmery gold) looks beautiful applied all over the lid or worn alone. Same with Sugar Bowl and Sugarcoat This. That being said, the absolute best shadow in the entire palette is the shade, Sticky Fingers. It is a fabulous shimmery purple. It is so stunning! I find myself reaching for it often. I love how effortlessly it incorporates colour into a makeup look and I just adore that finish. In addition to the versatile eyeshadow shades, there is also a blush shade included. It is called Yummy Bear and it is a warm peach. This is a blush shade that works well with a lot of different makeup looks. It is beautiful and richly pigmented. That being said, there is a lot of kickback whenever the blush brush is dipped in the pan, so that is something to be mindful of. Use a light hand! 

Ready to see this Yummy Gummy Limited Edition Makeup Set in action? Below is a recent makeup look that put these products to good use. Sweet Spot was applied through the crease, I Chews You was used underneath the brow bone and in the inner corner, Sticky Fingers was applied all over the lid, and Bear Hug was added for a smokey effect. Sticky Fingers was also applied along the lower lash line. The Yummy Bear blush was used on the cheeks and the Lip Injection Lip Balm in Yummy Bear was worn on the lips. All in all, it was a colourful but wearable makeup look. It was a lot of fun to put these items to good use.

Have you tried the Yummy Gummy Limited Edition Makeup Set from Too Faced? Are you a fan of Too Faced products?


  1. OMG amazing! I totally love your makeup <3

  2. I looove too faced products! Good quality and great, great packaging!
    That palette is realy super cute and I totally love your make up!

    1. Totally agree with you! Too Faced is one of my favourite brands. Thank you!

  3. The makeup looks awesome, I love the gummy bear theme.

    1. Thank you so much! Yes, the gummy bear theme is so fun!

  4. That set looks absolutely adorable, and the eyeshadow colours are yummy indeed. Your makeup is looking fantastic! xxx

  5. That reassured me :D I like to write things down into planners like this. I use my mobile only for alarm clock and photos ^^ Thanks a lot, I love this planner too.
    Oh yes this sounds really delicious =) I love marmelades.

    Great review =) I don't have something vom Too Faced but I read so many good things about it. This palette looks so beautiful, I love the packaging and the colours <3 And the lipgloss is also cute =)

    1. Same! Some things are just better written down!

      Thank you so much. It is a really great brand. So many cute items! :D

  6. That is an amazing palette, wow! And again, you made a beautiful look with the colours in it ♥


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