Sunday, January 29, 2023

2 look 1 palette: rude cosmetics x koi footwear boots collection

Talk about an unusual eyeshadow palette. This may be the first shoe-shaped makeup item in my collection, but it stands out for other reasons as well. This Rude Cosmetics x Koi Footwear Boots Collection eyeshadow palette is all about colour. There is nothing boring or predictable about this particular release. Since the month of January tends to be a bit of a downer (once all of the Christmas magic has worn away and it is back to the old routines) seemed like the perfect time to make the most of this exciting eyeshadow palette. According to the Rude Cosmetics website, there are other shoe-shaped palettes in this collection. Some have more pastel colours and others are a little more neutral. The Lozo Green Rain Boots palette is anything but neutral. There are fourteen pressed pigments and shadows inside...and they all stand out. Ready to take a look at the palette? Find out how some of these shadows perform? It is time for a 2 looks 1 palette post.

As you can see from the picture above, this palette is all about bold and bright colours. It is certainly not shy! That was the reason that it came home with me. I found this unique little palette at Winners for $12.99  several months back and bought it immediately because of the unexpected shadows and neon shades. (I have actually been looking for a good neon palette for a while, but a lot of the interesting ones were ridiculously expensive. It was so exciting to find an affordable alternative.) The colours that intrigued me most were Slime (neon green), Kill Phil (neon yellow), Boozed (neon orange), Le Femm Boss (neon pink), and Beanss (darker neon orange). Those colours are totally over the top. I confess that I am still trying to find the best ways to wear them. So far, I have stuck with using them as accents along the lower lash line or in the inner corner. In terms of the quality of this eyeshadow palette, it is impressive. The colours are ultra pigmented. I have only tried one other Rude Cosmetics release, the Holiday Cheer Eyeliner and Blush Set, and was really wowed. This Lozo Green Rain Boots palette has cemented my love for Rude Cosmetics. This is a brand that I will continue to look out for in future.

Look #1: Grunge and Green. Since this palette has an awful lot going on, it made sense to focus on a bright look and a darker look for this 2 looks 1 palette post. To create a colourful grunge inspired makeup look, it was Intergalactic Trip (a shimmery green) all over the lid. Then there was some Goffy (black shadow with bits of green and pink glitter) applied through the crease and along the lower lash line. When it comes to the green shimmer, this is ultra bright, and really packs a punch. A little goes a long way. To complete the look, there was some mascara, liner, and my favourite Too Faced lipstick.

Look #2: Vibrant Purple and Pops of Pink. Now for a healthy dose of colour! Since I am still getting used to these ultra neon shades...I decided to start with colours that were bright and fun but did not feel as intimidating. For this particular look, I applied Fairy Dusted (light purple) on the inner portion of the lid and then used Rain (bright purple) on the rest. It was all blended together for a fabulous and bright creation. In the inner corner, there was Le Femm Boss, that neon pink colour. Along the lower lash line was more Rain. I kept the rest of the makeup neutral to really let the colours be the focus.

Who said the winter season has to be dull and boring? It is time to infuse this blustery January with a little colour. Whether you have the Rude Cosmetics x Koi Footwear Boots Collection Lozo Green Rain Boots Palette (say that five times fast) or another colourful eyeshadow palette in your makeup is time to put them to good use. Make this month one to remember and add a little extra colour to your life. Go brighter, bolder, and shake off that makeup rut this winter season. 

How will you embrace colour this season? What do you think of this bold eyeshadow palette?


  1. This looks so cool, I love the light blue one, the pink one is beautiful as well. :)

    1. There are so many great colours! It's definitely a fun palette.

  2. Wow, these colours are fantastic, Shannon! xxx

  3. Those shadows look pretty hard to use but you did it flawlessly!
    Cool make ups!

  4. Ohh I love the colours of this palette, so bright! Both make up looks are awesome, my favourite is the second one because I love purple and pink shades ^^

  5. What a fun looking palette with some great colours for amazing looks. You definitely rock those looks :)


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