Sunday, January 1, 2023

become what you respect. mirror what you admire.

A new year is here. Hooray! There is nothing better than a fresh start. I want 2023 to be a year full of joy, wonder, and growth. On that note, it is time for a post that is a little more vulnerable. Here's the thing...I have been thinking a lot about beauty lately. Not just makeup and fashion, but beauty as a whole. Over the years, my perception of beauty has shifted considerably. Though makeup, fashion, popular culture, books, photography and everything in between continues to inspire me, I know now that beauty is much deeper. To me, beauty is standing up for what you believe in. It is making choices that you can be proud of. It is using your voice for good. That is why I want to bring more beauty into my life this year. 

2022 was a year with ups and downs on a personal level and in a broader sense. Over the last twelve months, I have been able to fly to another country for the first time since the pandemic, worked on my novel, spent time with family, and continued to work at my dream job. However, there were some difficult moments sprinkled in there as well, like health concerns with loved ones and anxiety as life returned to a new normal. There were also larger societal issues that took a toll on me. I try to keep things focused on the more positive aspects of life here on Mansa Fashion. but certain events (and attitudes towards those events) completely shifted how I see the world. That is why I am focused on beauty more than ever before. I am committed to being a better person, living more authentically, and being a voice for positive change. 

Most of the content here on Mansa Fashion. will remain the same, because I love having a space to write about products, to create everyday makeup looks, and to express myself. However, certain brands and celebrities will no longer be included for moral reasons. This list may grow and change over time, but for now, posts involving those brands and celebrities have been updated accordingly. 2023 is a fresh start for all of us. Here is to a wonderful new year and a more beautiful world. 

How will you contribute to a more beautiful society? What does the new year mean to you?


  1. Happy new year! :)

    It's a shame there were some hard moments in 2022 but I'm glad that there were some positives too! Also thankful your blog will be continuing in 2023, you have such lovely posts :)

    Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and you have a great start to the new year!

    1. Happy New Year! I am very much looking forward to a beautiful new year. Here is hoping 2023 will be wonderful to us all <3

  2. Happy New Year, Shannon! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas as well:) Here's to a new year full of possibilities. I don't really know if anything in my blog will change but IRL, I really want to just practice patience, and really try to live the mantra of "Be kind.", which I admit is really hard most days.

    1. Happy New Year! I think that is a great thing to focus on in 2023. I'm sure you are already doing better than you realize <3

  3. Happy New Year to you!!
    This new year I don't want to change my self, I want to be my self.

  4. Happy New Year. Hope you had a great Christmas too. I haven't been about for a week or so. Been really exhausted and working and a 4 year old, lol she is hard work!

    I'll be looking forward to seeing the new you and all your posts :-D

    1. That sounds like a lot of work! I hope you're feeling a little more rested today. <3

  5. Thanks a lot <3 Yes you're absolutely right, it's hard to plan events like this because everyone wants to do another thing :D But it was relaxing at home, so it was nice. This sounds also good, I don't read that much but what you watched sounds well.
    Yes the variety of products is pretty nice =) So many delicious stuff, I love it.

    Wish you a happy new Year =) Love your words about the definition of Beauty, you're right - beauty is standing up for what you believe in <3 2022 was a pretty nice year for me, I travelled a lot, festivals were back again and life is going on without so many destrictions. Wish you all the best =)

    1. I'm so glad you made the most of 2022 and were able to travel a lot. How wonderful! Here is to a fabulous 2023 <3

    2. Thanks <3 Travelling is so good.

      Thanks a lot =) Yes it's pretty nice to win <3 :D

  6. Happy new year, dear! Excited for your posts this year!

  7. I always claim not to make any resolutions, but unconsciously, deep down, I do. I always strive to make the new year a better one, and to find a thing of beauty and happiness, however fleeting, in every day. This year, more than ever, as 2022 was a year with ups and downs for me as well. Happy New Year, Shannon, and may you find beauty in the small things in 2023! xxx

    1. Just striving to make the new year a better one is the ultimate resolution! It speaks to your hope and excitement about the future. Thank you <3

  8. 2022 was tough because I was in Uklraine but I am glad we are in 2023. Have a lovey year dear.

    1. I can't even imagine how difficult that must have been. Sending you all my love. I hope 2023 is much better!

  9. wishing you a wonderful 2023! 2022 has been great for me: I started an absolutely new life and I can't help but sread my joy and gratitude. I am not sure anything can beat that but I do hope 2023 will the best to try and beat it

    1. Thank you! I am so glad 2022 was a great year for you!

  10. I hope that 2023 will bring you joy and happiness. I am very excited about reading that you're writing a novel. How awesome! :)

    1. Thank you! I hope you have a fabulous year as well <3


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