Thursday, January 5, 2023

holiday highlights: decorations, food, and more!

It's hard to believe that January is already underway. That a whole new year is underway! My mind is still back in December, focused on twinkle lights, gingerbread cookies, and all of the special moments that the holiday season has to offer. Sometimes, I find it difficult to shift my mindset from Christmas carols and cartoon specials to resolutions and to do lists. Honestly? That is the reason for the upcoming holiday highlights posts. These posts allow me to reminisce and focus on the time of year that I love so very much. To start it all off, it only makes sense to share some of the photographs that I took during the season. Some are decorations that are in my home, others are from my parents place, and there are lots of other baked goods and special moments scattered in there as well. Ready to take a look? Here are some of my holiday highlights from 2022.

Truthfully, this holiday season had several ups and downs. The downs? My schedule was a little overwhelming and it was difficult to get everything done before Christmas. There was also some extreme weather where I live and we actually lost power on the morning of Christmas Eve. It was cold, difficult, and frustrating. On the plus side, there were some ups this holiday season as well. Like spending time with family, enjoying lots of baked goods, and Christmas music on the radio. Despite the hiccups, it feels nice to look back at some of the pictures that I took over the last month or so. It brings back my Christmas spirit somehow. It makes me long for those special days in December. Here are a few of my favourite photos...

However your holiday turned out, here is hoping that you can still look back on it and smile. There may have been some ups and downs, but in the end, everything always seems to work out alright. As for me, my heart is longing for the warmth and hope that the holiday season offers. Who knows? Maybe I will be able to bring some of that into this shiny new year. 

Did you have a good holiday season? Share some your highlights in the comment section below!


  1. Looks like you had a great holiday. Thanks for sharing :)
    Have a great new year..

  2. I might not be the biggest fan of Christmas, but I'm always finding January more than just a bit of a letdown. Especially this time around, as I lost a whole chunk of the holidays due to being ill.
    Your holiday highlights are a great way to carry through some of December's festive spirit into January! I'm loving the decorations and the festive foods looks absolutely yummy! xxx

    1. I'm so sorry you weren't able to enjoy your holidays. That is definitely a letdown! Thank you <3

  3. very cute decorations! This season of festivities has been a blast! It's actually pretty symbolic for me to read this post today because on the Day of Kings we take down Christmas decor. Cheers to all merry and bright!

  4. Yes they work really well =) This is definitely annoying but okay, I can live with it :D
    This sounds absolutely great, I can't wait to taste it :D Booster are pretty nice to push your workouts =)

    Nice post =) It's so sad that the Holidays are over, love this time of the year so much. The decoration is pretty cute and the food looks yummie, I love cookies and cakes. My highlights were my food, it was so delicious and my presents (I posted them on my blog right now).

    1. I do as well. It is always sad when the holiday season ends!

  5. These are such cute Christmas decorations and the Christmas cookies look delicious! We are still enjoying the Christmas vibes as we haven't had time to take the decorations down yet, but hope to have time to do that tomorrow. it's been a hectic start to the year!

    1. Aww thank you! So glad you've been able to enjoy the holiday season.

  6. I am a big fan of Christmas. I love the season, the lights, the music, the coziness...
    I do however also look forward to Spring now :)


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