Friday, January 20, 2023

too faced christmas bake shoppe (sugar cookie palette + mascara)

This year, Too Faced released a few different holiday sets. One was the Yummy Gummy Limited Edition Makeup Set, which was previously reviewed here on Mansa Fashion. The other was the Christmas Bake Shoppe. Between the two sets, the Yummy Gummy Limited Edition Makeup Set ultimately won out because it was a little more unique...but I could not get the Christmas Bake Shoppe out of my mind. Even though the eyeshadows in the set were similar to other shadows in my collection, the theme was everything. Lucky for me, the Christmas Bake Shoppe set was gifted to me over the holidays. All of my Christmas dreams came true! This particular set came with three palettes and a mini mascara. There is an awful lot to review, so consider this post part one. It will focus on the Sugar Cookie palette and the Better Than Sex Mini Mascara. 

First thing is first. It is time to see what was included in the Christmas Bake Shoppe Limited Edition Makeup Collection. There was the Gingersnap Palette (which is gingerbread scented), Chocolate Chip Palette (chocolate chip cookie scented), Sugar Cookie Palette (sugar cookie scented), and a travel sized Better Than Sex Mascara. The box that everything came in was designed to look like an oven and even had little cooking knobs at the top. So cute! This tied together the holiday cookie theme perfectly. Everything about the packaging is fabulous and I love that there is a nice variety of items included in the set. 

Travel Size Better Than Sex Mascara. One staple of the Too Faced holiday sets is the Better Than Sex Mascara. This is something that I have used many times in the past. It is one of my favourite mascaras (beaten only by The Super Sizer from Cover Girl and They're Real from Benefit). I love the fluffy wand, the ultra dark mascara colour, and the dramatic lash look it creates. The only downside is that this is a mini instead of a full-sized version. This really is a great mascara and it is nice to have it included.

Sugar Cookie Palette. There is a lot to love about the Sugar Cookie Palette. To start, there is the adorable design. This is a light wintery blue and has lots of decorated sugar cookies all over. Everything about this palette screams Christmas. I love this palette so much that it has been sitting out on display since Christmas. It is so beautiful to look at. As for the scent, this certainly smells sweet and pleasant, but not necessarily like sugar cookies. The scent is extremely subtle. There are eight different eyeshadows in the palette and one blush. The names are also really wonderfully themed (Claus a Stir and Elf'd Up are some good examples). Every part of this palette feels like Christmas. The eyeshadow shades themselves include some shimmery whites, soft pinks, and a selection of browns. There is a black and a shimmery brown as well. Lots and lots of easy to wear colours! The best eyeshadow in this palette is Mint To Be. It is a shimmery mint colour that is ideal for the winter season. The blush is also stunning. It is a warm pink-peach that pairs well with a lot of different makeup looks. In terms of the quality, this palette was really impressive. I've heard other beauty lovers talk about the reduced quality of Too Faced holiday sets (on Reddit, YouTube, and elsewhere) but that has not been my experience at all. These shadows are easy to blend, nicely pigmented, and downright beautiful. The Sugar Cookie Palette is an absolute star. I love the way it looks and performs.

There you have it! Part one of the Too Faced Christmas Bake Shoppe Limited Edition Makeup Collection. The next part will focus on the Chocolate Chip Palette and the Ginger Snap Palette, so stay tuned for even more makeup looks and reviews. 

Are you a fan of Too Faced products? What do you think of the Christmas Bake Shoppe set?


  1. The packaging is cute and sugar cookie palette is one I dont mind trying.

  2. Too Faaced packaging is always the cutest!!! Looove those palettes!
    And I use too that mascara, is very good even if I wanna try even that from benefit!

  3. That packaging is indeed super cute, and how lucky you were to receive this set as a gift! I'm loving the colour of that blush, and the mint eyeshadow is such a gorgeous shade! xxx

    1. It was a wonderful gift! You can never go wrong with something cute and holiday themed.

  4. Oh yes everything is really fabulous <3 I love my new stuff.

    Great review, this packacking is so cute <3 The colours are so nice, I like them a lot. And your make up look is beautiful as always =)


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