Sunday, January 15, 2023

winter themed charmed aroma reveals (candle + bath bomb)

All good things must come to an end. Or at least that is how the saying goes. Unfortunately, the Charmed Aroma store nearest to me will be no more. I discovered this on Boxing Day as there were STORE CLOSING signs plastered all over the walls. It was my first time heading out for Boxing Day since the pandemic hit...and it was a lot of fun. (Minus the whole store closing business.) It wasn't that there were a ton of great deals at the mall or anything like that. It was just nice to spend the day shopping with my mom. On Boxing Day, I was able to pick up a few discounted holiday items at Hallmark, some seasonal CDs and DVDs at an entertainment store, and a pair of fantastic Sailor Moon sweatpants at Hot Topic. Oh, and a few items from Charmed Aroma as well. I don't know when the store closing was announced, but by Boxing Day, there was not a whole lot left. Ultimately, the Snow Day candle and the Polar Bear Leyland Bomb came home with me. There weren't any displays left out, so I had no idea what kind of jewellery would be inside, but at a 60% discount, it was worth finding out. 

One of the candles that stood out was Snow Day. There were some candles left in the store that did not smell good to me (it all depends on your preferences, but I am not an apple and cinnamon candle kind of person) but Snow Day wowed. Looking back, I wish that I had purchased two of these, because I just adore the smell. It really does remind me of a snowy day! The candle scent is so fresh, clean, and crisp. According to the brand, the scent is "a refreshing blend of crisp winter air, iced eucalyptus, and snow cedarwood." This has been a really wonderful candle to light on long winter days. It is a two-wick candle that smells amazing. As for the ring that was hidden inside? It can be seen in the photo above. This has a large center stone and almost a lace-inspired design down the sides. Though I adore the sparkly center stone, the rest of the design is not exactly my go-to style. I do like this, though, and I could see it working well with certain outfits. The Charmed Aroma appraisal stated that this was valued at a whopping $150. Wow! Certainly not what I was expecting. I believe this is the highest valued piece from the brand that I have, but I am not completely certain. Considering the discounted price of the candle (and how much I love the candle scent) this was a really good deal. Not bad for a random Boxing Day purchase at the local mall. 

Next was this absolutely adorable polar bear bath bomb. As I have mentioned before, baths are not my thing, but cute jewellery is. Since the bath bombs tend to be on sale more than the candles, the bath bombs can be a more affordable option if the actual jewellery is the main desire. This bath bomb had a light and fresh scent. Definitely very winter themed in the design and smell! Now for what was inside. As you can see from the photo above, it came with a fabulous polar bear necklace. There was a sparkly polar bear design with a sparkly star that has a shimmery purple stone in the center. According to Charmed Aroma, this had a value of $40. Though it was not "worth" nearly as much as the ring inside the Snow Day candle, there is no doubt about it: this necklace is superior. I love the necklace so much. It is sparkly, cute, whimsical, and ideal for the winter season. It has lots of personality and stands out in the best possible way. It was the absolute perfect accessory for me. 

I feel sad that the Charmed Aroma store near me is closing. That means it is online only from this point on...and I really hate ordering breakable items online. So, the number of Charmed Aroma items that will be in my home from now is limited. (Though that might be a good thing for my bank account!) That being said, it was nice to enjoy a few winter themed items at a discounted price. The Snow Day candle smells fantastic and the Polar Bear Leyland Bomb revealed a gorgeous necklace.  

Are you a fan of Charmed Aroma products? What do you think of these winter inspired accessories?


  1. I like Dove a lot, they have really nice products =) It smells so delicious.
    Oh yes and I like the new products so much, I'm happy that they were inside the advent calender so I can ordered them as quick as possible :D Because the nut butter is sold out now.

    I love candles and bath bombs and both looks so nice. The scent of the candle sounds really nice and I love polar bears <3 So I think I wouldn't use it :D Too cute. But the jewellery is nice.

    1. I love the "Harry Potter" movies too, they never get old :D I do my very best to do a lot of workouts ^^ The migraine was really awful, the pain was so strong and I slept a lot.

    2. Yes, everything is so cute! Thank you! :D

  2. Candles are one of the fav things I like to have for home decor.

    1. Absolutely! They really make the home feel extra special.

  3. It's always sad when a favourite store is closing down, isn't it?
    I love scented candles, and snow day sounds delightful. As does the fact that there is jewellery hidden inside the products! I particularly love the sparkly polar bear! xxx

  4. I love scented candles tooo!!! Never tried that brand but... why not?
    That bath bomb is super cute!^^

    1. You can never go wrong with a scented candle. Always so great!

  5. I wish I could smell the Snow Day candle, it sounds really amazing. Unfortunately we don't have Charmed Aroma products or shops around here. :/

    Não Me Mande Flores

    1. Sadly, the store is closing near me (and all of the other nearby stores as well) so it won't be something I'm able to purchase often anymore. Alas!

  6. Oh wow! That ring is awesome, Shannon, and that's worth a lot to boot:) I also love the polar bear you got from the bath bomb. That's too bad the store close to you is closing though:( I hope another one opens close by you. I've never tried Charmed Aroma products before, but I love reading what you get from them:)

    1. Apparently all of the Charmed Aroma stores in Canada are closing. Such a letdown!

  7. it looks so incredibly cute! everything! The ring is adorable, I bet the candle smells heavenly judging from your words and bath bomb must be amazing as well!


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