Saturday, February 4, 2023

i feel a lavender haze creeping up on me.

I remember the first time I heard Taylor Swift. It was way back in the days of MSN Messenger. One night, a friend of mine mentioned seeing her open for another performer. She sent me one of her songs and it was love at first listen. Since then, Taylor Swift has cemented herself as an icon. Her music continues to break records and create buzz. Most recently, her single, Lavender Haze, was released. For full transparency, this song has been on repeat in my home since the release of Midnights late last year. (Along with Vigilante Shit.) The song is all about the honeymoon stage of a relationship and the desire to hold onto it despite outside influences. There are lots of standout lines, a catchy melody, and a music video that absolutely amazes. Speaking of the music video...I am obsessed. Taylor Swift normally has really intricate and interesting music videos, but this particular video has added a healthy dose of inspiration to my life. That's why today is dedicated to Lavender Haze.

There is a lot to love about the Lavender Haze music video (which you can check out here in case you haven't seen it). Of course, there is the song, with lines like, Staring at the ceiling with you/You don't ever say too much/And you don't really read into/My melancholia and No deal, the 1950s shit they want from me/I just wanna stay in that lavender haze. Love or hate her...there is no denying the fact that Taylor Swift writes lyrics that are both inspiring and relatable. As for the video itself, the visuals are everything. I'm talking 1970s inspired sets (old-school alarm clocks, records, and old-school furniture), surreal moments (fluffy clouds and flying fish), a lavender field in the living room, a purple pool of water, and yes, lavender haze. 

So, the song is amazing. The lyrics are great. The sets are fantastic. But can we talk about the styling? The hair and makeup? Wow, wow, and wow. I am absolutely obsessed with the loose 70s style waves that Taylor Swift has going on in the photo above. It is something that I am trying to figure out how to create. In terms of the makeup, there are smokey looks, 70s inspired glitter eyes, and even a purple look with a statement lip. I'm looking forward to creating my own versions of these makeup looks over the next little while. Perhaps not for Mansa Fashion. but at least for my day to day life. I love the colours, the glamour, and the overall vibe. According to Taylor, the intention was for the video to be a "sultry, sleepless, 70s fever dream." It definitely checked off all of those boxes and more. There is so much to love about Lavender Haze.

It is always nice to be inspired, but with the dark and dreary winter months in full swing, it feels extra nice to be whisked away. Thankfully, there is Lavender Haze from Taylor Swift. From the dreamy and hopeful lyrics to the music itself, the visuals, the glitzy makeup, and the 1970s inspired glamour...everything about this particular release feels right. 

Are you a fan of Taylor Swift? What do you think of the Lavender Haze music video?


  1. I loved this post, thanks for your sharing...

  2. Ahhh Taylor! I haven't seen the MV yet. I used to be a big fan especially back in University. But then my music taste changed and now, I don't listen to her as much. But I'm still kind of a Swifitie, I guess. hehe.

    xoxo, rae

    1. It is such a great video! Ha! I am definitely still a Swiftie, but not as hardcore as a lot of other people that I know.

  3. She's definitely a talented lyricist. I haven't seen the video yet, but will check it out later. Thank you for sharing, Shannon! xxx

    1. She is! I love that her lyrics are super honest. It's refreshing!


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