Monday, February 20, 2023

perfume week: what perfume means to me.

Breathe in. Can you smell it? The unmistakable scent of your favourite perfume. Maybe you can remember the first time you wore it. How you felt. How you stood a little taller. That is the magic of scent. It has the ability to take us back to certain moments. It can boost our mood. It can make life a little brighter. No wonder there are so many perfumes in my collection. Each one has a memory and a story. Each one reflects a little piece of me. With lots of perfumes to choose from, my daily scent is typically dictated by my mood. Do I feel like something light and clean? Sweet? Musky? Complex? There is a perfume for every mindset. That is why it is an essential part of my everyday routine. A carefully selected scent can start the day off right. 

There are lots of wonderful perfume-related memories in my life. Like the first bottle that ever came home with me. Or the perfume my dad bought for me one day for no reason at all. My boyfriend (now husband) choosing a scent that he thought would make me smile. Wearing a certain perfume for a special occasion. The fragrance that I wore to each and every concert. Ahh...memories. The perfume bottles on my shelf all have a story. They have witnessed all sorts of moments in my life. Some good, some not so good, and some utterly forgettable. No matter what happened, there was always perfume. 

Perfume is an important part of my life. It is an act of self care for me. Something that I do just for myself. A subtle form of self-expression. A quiet confidence booster. Since fragrances are so meaningful, it only made sense to focus the next theme week here on Mansa Fashion. on perfume, perfume, and more perfume. Over the last several months, different perfumes have been added to my perfume shelf. One bottle was won, one was a splurge, and one was a gift. If perfume makes you smile, then be sure to stay tuned for review posts on the blog throughout the week. There will be posts dedicated to Scent From Above by Dolly Parton, Nude Suede from the KKW Fragrance Essential Nudes Collection, and Daisy from Marc Jacobs. 

"Sometimes you find an old bottle from which the soul returns."

"Perfume is a poem to be breathed in."

"Fragrances are powerful magicians that can transport you through the years you have lived."

Do you love perfume? Share your favourite scents in the comment section below!


  1. Ohne Parfum verlasse ich nie das Haus. LG Romy

  2. Pretty wonderful =) Oh yes cherry is always a good taste.
    I had a really good time with all the carnival fun <3 Yes it was a little bit hard, two nights without sleep :D I'm getting older.

    Nice post about perfume =) Perfume is also an important part of my life, I love to smell good and I love to try out some new scents. It's so nice to have a good selection of perfumes <3 My favourite ones are all from Christina Aguilera and Paco Rabanne Pure XS For her

    1. There is something so special about perfume! Oh, I have one from Christina Aguilera as well. I always loved the bottle design on that one. <3

    2. You're right =) Oh yes the bottle designs are so cute <3

      Thanks =) It's a really great cream which works well but with a little bit scent it would be better :D
      Yes this is really annoying but it's so cute and so I can live with that :D Thank you <3

  3. I love this post, Shannon:) I love perfume. I used to collect them but when I had kids and was breast-feeding, I had to stop. I'm just slowly getting back into it, and I never got rid of my collection so yay for that:) Looking forward to your themed posts.
    Happy Of Tourism Day btw!
    PS My fave is Angel by Thierry Mugler. Also love Flowerbomb by Viktor and Rolf, and Fracas by Robert Piguet.

    1. I'm so glad you kept your old collection! How wonderful that you are getting back into wearing it now. Perfume really is fabulous. I've heard great things about those scents, so I definitely need to try them myself!

  4. Oh, I looove a good perfume! Can't go wrong!

    Krissi of the marquise diamond

  5. What a lovely post, Shannon! Perfumes can be so evocative. I'm always trying to take a new one with me on holiday, so that I'll be reminded of the good times whenever I wear it afterwards. I took Marc Jacob's Daisy with me on my latest trip! xxx

    1. Aww thank you! Ooh that is such a wonderful idea! I might steal that from you and start doing that from now on. You are so smart!


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