Wednesday, February 8, 2023

what i've been watching, reading, and listening to (winter edition)

The winter season is well underway. That means lots of time indoors while avoiding the massive piles of snow and strong winds outside. After a month or so of pretty decent weather...the winter returned in full force. That is why the last few weeks have been all about the home. There have been a lot of songs, streaming services, and books in my life lately. (Oh, and work, cleaning, and the normal day-to-day responsibilities as well.) So, it only made sense to share some of the things that I have been watching, reading, and listening to. Yes, this is a list of my latest entertainment highlights.

What I've Been Watching (Winter 2023)

Pamela: A Love Story. Recently, the Pamela Anderson documentary was released on Netflix. As someone who loved Baywatch and Stacked, and was always enamored by the glamour of Pamela, it was wonderful to hear her story in her own words. So many people have profited off of Pamela over the years. It was powerful to hear about her experience on her terms. I thought the two-hour documentary was really well done. It looked at the past and also looked toward an uncertain future. There were difficult moments, painful moments, and beautiful moments. It highlighted the complexities of life and how we can either be broken by it all or we can persevere. Pamela is a strong woman and it was wonderful to hear her side of things. I look forward to reading her new book, Love, Pamela and finding out more about who she is and what she chooses to share with the world.

Smallville. I had Smallville on my Amazon Prime watchlist for ages but never managed to actually watch it. One day, I finally decided to take the plunge on a long overdo rewatch of the ten season show...and it was gone. (This is what I hate about streaming services. There one day and gone the next.) Thankfully, it was recently re-added to the catalogue. I decided to dive headfirst into this rewatch while the show was still there. It only took a day and a half to finish the first season and start the second. Smallville is super addicting! I used to watch the earlier seasons back in the day, so it has been nice to watch the old episodes again, feel nostalgic, and enjoy that fabulous 00s soundtrack. I miss the way TV used to be.

That 90s Show. All that is old is new again, at least when it comes to sitcoms. I ended up binge watching the first season of That 90s Show (a spin off/reboot of That 70s Show) on Netflix in a day. For full transparency, I also ended up rewatching the first few seasons of That 70s Show immediately after. Basically, if you love the original, you will love the new show. It has the same vibe and checks off all the boxes. It was funny, smart, and sweet. Plus, Red and Kitty were back in full force. There were lots of guest appearances from the original cast and the new actors did a wonderful job. Fingers crossed there will be a second season.

What I've Been Reading (Winter 2023)

Bad Feminist by Roxane Gay. There are a lot of books on my bookshelf and a lot more on my wish list. Bad Feminist is one that was important for me to read for a lot of reasons. Not only was it read by someone that I admire, but the idea of a "bad feminist" was intriguing. Often, I feel like a bad feminist. I am doing my best to learn and grow and be educated...but I still have biases and weaknesses to address. Everyone does. I love that Roxane Gay was willing to be honest and say, "I am a feminist, but I also consume media that does not align with my beliefs." There is something so relatable about that. Over the last year or so, it has become more important to me that I be mindful about who and what I support. I still stumble and I still have blind spots, but it is a journey that I am on. As for Bad Feminist, the essays included in the book are honest, thought provoking, painful, frustrating, and all too real. We live in a complicated and unfair world, which is highlighted in this must-read.

I Choose Myself by Deepti Vempati. Any Love Is Blind fans here? If you watched the second season of the show, then you will (spoiler alert) remember the triumphant moment where Deepti Vempati chose herself over the shallow and cruel man standing at the alter. It was a moment of victory for Deepti and was certainly satisfying for the audience at home. Since her appearance on the show, Deepti has written a book about her life and experiences. She immigrated to the England from India as a child, dealt with self-esteem issues, lost a significant amount of weight, and of course, went on a dating show. Her story is powerful, revealing, and certain aspects are all too relatable. The journey of self love is never linear...and that is reflected in this confessional memoir. It was wonderful to learn more about Deepti and more about myself in the process.

What I've Been Listening To (Winter 2023)

Flowers by Miley Cyrus. I love a good anthem and Flowers by Miley Cyrus is certainly that. This song has become a massive hit for Miley and has even broken some streaming records. (All of her albums are amazing, so it is nice to see that this particular song is receiving lots of praise.) The song is all about prioritizing yourself, not needing to rely on others, and reclaiming your power. It is certainly a post-relationship anthem and one that many can relate to. It doesn't hurt that the song is super catchy! Miley seems to have a different sound for each album. Though I adored the pop-rock Plastic Hearts era...I am very much looking forward to the songs that will appear on Endless Summer Vacation. Flowers makes me extremely optimistic. 

Eat Me by Demi Lovato and Royal & the Serpent. The latest Demi Lovato album has been in pretty heavy rotation lately. It is by far my favourite album from her...and that is saying something. Out of all the songs, there is one that stands out among the rest. Eat Me is a song about reclaiming your power, calling out the hypocrisy in society, and setting clear boundaries. It is about stepping into a new version of yourself without apology. Some standout lines include: "I know the part I've played before/I know the shit that I've ignored/I know the girl that you adored/She's dead, it's time to fucking mourn." Bold and unapologetic, this song is about letting go of who you were and honouring who you have become. It is something that speaks to me lately. In the past, I was afraid to be my true self. I developed a habit of apologizing even when I hadn't done anything wrong. I always wanted to smooth things over, keep the peace, and avoid conflict. I am not the same person I was before and that's okay! 

What have you been watching, reading, and listening to lately? Share your recent favourites in the comment section below.


  1. You know I saw that 90's show on netflix but just wasnt interested. Maybe now I will give it a try.

    1. If you enjoyed That 70s Show, you will definitely like That 90s Show! <3

  2. I enjoyed hearing about what you're reading. Bad Feminist sounds like a good book, and I will be adding it to my to read list. 🙂

    And I Choose Myself sounds awesome too.

  3. Oooo that Pamela Anderson documentary sounds good. Did you watch the scripted series about her and Tommy I thought it was pretty well done. Did you ever hear of the book The Liar, The Bitch and The Wardrobe? She is in this book kind of. Look it up. It was written by a friend of someone I use to work with. It is like The Devil Wears Prada but replace the EIC for a photographer. Very entertaining.

    Leanne Thompson of

    1. I did, but unfortunately in the documentary, she mentions that the show was not made with her consent. So, I really wish that I had not watched it. I haven't heard of that book but I will absolutely look into it! Thanks for the recommendation!

  4. I'm interested to read the I Choose Myself book. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this! :)

    xoxo, rae

  5. Yes I'm glad about that too but it's sad that I was too late for a sweater :D
    I like this song a lot, I dance to it everytime :D

    It's really interesting what you're watching, reading and listening.
    I wanna watch "Pamela" too, this woman is so strong and a big inspiration from the 90s.
    "Flowers" by Miley Cyrus is also a big song in my playlist, I love it soo much. It would be a catchy tune for January too :D

    1. Absolutely agree. She is so strong! And yes, Flowers is a must. Such a catchy song to listen to.

  6. we're listening the same!^^
    I wanna watch "Pamela" too, I've heard that is very well done and interesting )not to mention that we're talking of a true icon of the 90s)!

    1. Ha! I definitely approve then! And yes, the Pamela documentary was really well done. <3

  7. Bad Feminist sounds like my kind of book, and definitely something I can relate to. Thank you for the recommendation, Shannon! xxx

  8. I really like these posts you make - they're great inspiration! Thank you ♥


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